
How has the gas prices affected your daily life?

by Guest62573  |  earlier

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I don't buy coffee anymore.




  1. i cant go to the mall.. fudge.. i have to take the bus

  2. Trying to drive less by combining several trips/destinations into one trip if possible. This does save some gas. It is not a real solution but I have no other choice. This makes  me very angry agaist those corrupted politicians in Washington and those left-wing environmentalists who forbid oil drilling in our own land. They have achieved the goals of our enemies who can not achieve in this country by pushing the oil, food, . everything price higher and higher and pushing our living standards lower and lower.

  3. Don't do much now quit smoking!! Buy only the food I need and don't buy clothing anymore have enough I guess.  I'm thinking about cutting my insurances and I have planted food to can and cut the cable!

  4. I can't fill up my tank anymore. I have to do $40 at a time and it doesn't get me far. Sucks cuz I have an v8 and have to use super or it acts strange.

  5. ... HATED  the hummer and rest of gigantic suvs more

    than before

  6. It hasn't at all.  I don't operate on that tight of a budget.

  7. Yeah, it sure has. But what else can you do when the elected officials dont'do their job? Why are we in iraq when we can't take all the oil we want, and plus were still paying through the nose funding this very big military operation. I think were nearing the Trillion dollar mark, thats 1,000,000,000,000.00 for a war that bush and cheney wanted, and to get rich too.

  8. i don't buy gas i have a driver and all i do is pay him i haven't even noticed the gas prices

  9. makes it hard for me to get anywhere!

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