
How has the importance of a physical relationship changed for you over the decades?

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How has the importance of a physical relationship changed for you over the decades?




  1. Well for me it is at the bottom of the list... for my husband it is at the if i would like to stay happily married...their in lies the COMPROMISE....ahhh...married life! gotta love it! oh and the difference in libido's!

  2. I began my adult life believing sensitivity, caring, sharing,

    good conversation,  and frequent laughter were most important.

    Lost my way for a bit.

    Came back to the importance of those same five attributes.

    (And when the student is ready - the teacher will appear.)

    "We shall not cease from exploration

    And the end of all our exploring

    Will be to arrive where we started

    And know the place for the first time." - T.S Eliot

  3.     It meant a lot at first, it, like cemented the relationship ? Now, I can say, it was a bunch of c**p, to say the least. If I could go back and cement my relationship in a more meaningful way. Hugs and thoughts instead of just s*x all the time, like I was trying to wear it out.

  4. yes at the start its all about physical stuff but as time passes something changes and its more about friendship and love i suppose.

  5. I have always maintained that I could live without s*x

    but not without love and affection.

    As you get older you realise which is most important.

  6. more experience in bed and loving each other but not representing it in a lovey childhood way XD

  7. physical what?

  8. oh god yeah ive been with my partner for nearly 6 years now, and at the begining it was s*x s*x s*x! then it was kids kids kids! and now weve done the s*x and kids bit its just nice to have a cuddle every now and then and a chat at the dinner table- and also both of our attitudes towards " im never gonna end up like my parents!" has gone down the toilet! im more like my dad than anything! and my partner is progressively turning into her mother! itrs scary!

  9. o.k this is really honest..teens...what a buzz...brand new to it all...20's getting the hang of it now and it became quite familiar,....30's still liked it,but I'm only 38 and find that because I love an older woman aint about the's mental....or emotional I should say

  10. At 80 I just think,"Been there,done that .Oh well it was swell while it lasted .".

  11. I believe some people in their ninety's could be s*x mad.

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