
How has the industrial revolution impacted our lives today?

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How has the industrial revolution impacted our lives today?




  1. We are caught in an web of never ending quest for speed... technologies are not required in our day to day lives give birth to products and those products do reach us via the media industry...

  2. For me personally, the industrial revolution meant a way out of the hillbilly life in one of the poorest counties in southeastern Kentucky.  My grandfather fled the farm to seek life in the big city.  He eventually worked at a paper mill in Ohio.  His children spread out from there. I now have the privilege of making minimum wage working for a billionaire.  What could be better?

  3. If the industrial revolution hadn't started in Britain, it would have happened somewhere else and the course of history may have changed dramatically.

    However, the inventions of the industrial revolution and the technological advances they triggered were inevitable. Industrialisation has nurtured capitalism and capitalism has been a key tool in the growth in material wealth. Residents of wealthy nations have adapted by changing their lifestyles to suit growth, placing greater priority on material wealth and the means of acheiving it, and lesser priority on humanity.

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