
How has the industrialization affected the world?

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and how we live today?




  1. Too many ways to count

    It has enabled us to have economies where only 1.4% of the people are farmers, and has eliminated subsistence farming in the developed world

    It has given us leisure time

    It has created a middle class by making products that formerly took so much time and effort that they were only available to the rich available to the general public

    It has made trade with distant lands feasible and desirable

    It has created the nuclear family

    It has instituted a culture of trade as opposed to a culture of making everything yourself

    Without industrialization, you most likely wouldn't have a car, computer, long-distance communication, and there's a good chance you would have had to quit school before grade 8.  Industrialization has made these things not just attainable, but commonplace for all people.

  2. Industrialization facilitates a division of labor.  Technology accelerates the division.

    Once an individual craftsman could produce a pair of shoes in a day.  The craftsman controlled every aspect of the production.

    Individual factory workers perform one element of production along an assembly line which produces numerous pairs of shoes per day.  Individual workers are familiar with one or two elements along the production line.  No worker has the skill to produce a complete pair of shoes.

    One farmer with a mechanical planter, tractor, and combine harvester can plant, cultivate, and harvest one hundred or more acres.

    Manual planting, cultivating, and harvesting can require one person per acre.  Family farms were limited the number of family members available for work.  The larger the family the greater the number of acres to manage.  Every family member identifies with farm production.

    Fundamentally industrialization eliminated the number of workers while increasing levels of production. This excess of people created the opportunity to ethically limit people from the labor force.  Child labor laws and standard retirement age are by products of industrialization.

  3. Parts of the world have been industrialized.

  4. In the beginning it gave us a stronger middle class by new creating jobs the down side to it is pollution.

  5. After the industrial revolution, the world population grew at a faster rate.

    People lived longer because of better medicine, like vacines.

    Karl Marx started Communism after he saw the working conditions. "Workers of the world, unite" He said that all the factory workers would take over Capitalism.

    Africa was imperialized, Scramble for Africa 1880-90.

    Berlin Conference was about how Africa would be split up between the super powers; Germany, England, France....

    I hope that was what you were looking for.

  6. gave us much greater creature comforts, many more goods cheaper. But it also took power away from the individual and made big companies who could afford factories king. It has also led to much pollution and threatens to do many bad things. such as widen class division, destroy the world with nukes or meltdowns, the oil crisis, humans have become dependent on machines and may not be able to live with out them, for example farming will require many people a larger portion of our allowance will be used for buying this food.

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