
How has the need for National Security changed America since 9-11?

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By America i mean the United States of America and not the rest of the countries that make up the two americas.




  1. Not at all.

    It has changed the United States a lot, but America... not at all.  

  2. I think that 9-11 is a dangerous game played by Bush & Co. It can have some repercussions later, may be.

  3. The need hasn't changed, but the methods of providing that security have.

    Now, the government can listen to your phone calls, read your email, investigate your internet activity and library records (all without telling you), search your house and your car (without telling you), detain you without charge and without legal representation (and not tell you why), send you overseas to a "black site" and allow foreign agents interrogate you, and *not* torture you to collect "evidence", then try you in a military courtroom with that "evidence", and convict you.

    And yes, the above list applies to US citizens too.

    Feel safer now?

  4. See my previous answer.

  5. The need for national security remains, the US needs to remain viligant, but not paranoia. In a free democracy an individual has to accept a level of risk, comes with the territory. Being secured from all risk requires the complete loss of freedom and the willingness to live dominated by facism.

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