
How has the royal family's position in Britain changed over the10-15 years?

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what ppl generaly think of the family? has the death of princess diana changed anything? how many ppl in UK would prefer a republic? and why? besides royality is part of your national identity..(thats what we think abroad)




  1. I am not sure if it has changed much, the majority still seem to want the royal family.

    I think the queen has done an amazing 'job' over  the last 55 years and i wish her all the best. Its the position that needs to go, it is wrong in any country that we  don't have a  changing head of state.  

    I think as it is only a figure head, we should hold a lottery each year and the winner gets to be head of state for a year, political control remains with the PM and Parliament so nothing need to change.

    Except we would not have the RF bleeding us dry year after year


    Just need to add the palaces except Windsor and Buckingham, where bought personally by  Victoria and are not owned by the state It should also be pointed out that when QV came to the throne the monarchy was in debt to the state, and her only source of income was the state . they are now owned  by the queen who is still exempt from inheritance tax. Also since the death of Diana  the boys now have a huge independent  source of cash as the inherited the 15M £ that she got in the divorce.

    As to tourism the french still have people visit their royal palaces and look what they did to them

  2. I think the proportion of the British public who are ardent admirers and supporters of the royal family has fallen dramatically over the last half century or so.  People used to show unwavering respect to the monarch, which you rarely see now.  Supporters of becoming a republic have grown, but not to a huge number (a recent poll according to Wikipedia, had it at 18%).  I think what we find is a lot of apathy about the royals instead - especially among younger people.  A lot of people couldn't give two hoots about whether they're around or not.  Personally I don't see the current royal family as part of our national identity.

  3. the death of Di gave it a new shot at the throne. othere then that not a lot!

  4. regrettably i think that their position has not changed in the last 10 - 15 years.  they have won the battles with the media, large parts of british society support them and they remain the parasitic scum that they have always been.

  5. The biggest change is that the Queen now pays taxes.

    Many support the royal family and I don't understand why they get so much support; they are not even of British decent.

    I guess they're good for tourism, but I can think of cheaper methods.

    As a previous poster said, they are parasites that get support via tradition rather than logical thinking.

    This is obviously just my opinion and that of my extended family.

  6. Yes, I think that if Diana was still alive William and Harry wouldn't act supprtive of their dad and Camilla publically like they do.

  7. It will change if Camilla gets her chance on the Throne, and will probably destroy it then.  But if we ( god forbid ) a President you will soon see the difference...then you will moan as not only that it will cost us a lot more money, but the Prime Ministers we have had over the past years would soon tell you that. In any case the Palaces belong to the people, so could you imagine the likes of Tony Blair,s wife taking over.

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