
How has the tobacco ban affected the Coffee Shops in Amsterdam?

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Have they been experiencing a reduced trade? Also is there any sign of it being overturned for the coffee shop trade? Afterall - as I read on one news report - pubs are for drinking, restaurants are for eating, and the Dutch coffee shops are for smoking!!!

It certainly wont stop me from visiting the beautiful city however as there is so much more to Amsterdam than weed.




  1. I had a conversation with my friend about this the other day. As far as I remember the ban doesn't apply to coffee shops. If you are in the street or at home ( i presume) you cannot smoke tabaco you can only smoke pure weed. But in the coffee shop they can still sell tabacco in splifs. :O)

  2. I'm not a smoker so not an expert,but I do follow the news here

    Upon the first announcement of the ban there was of course the normal tirade of " we will not accept/follow etc" from the coffee shop industry.  On 01/Jul there were also ones who again announced they would flout the ban.

    However the reality is that it was all a bit of a storm in a teacup.  Maybe there are coffeeshops in smaller towns/areas which do turn a blind eye,but they do not do it publicly.

    You can still smoke tobacco mixed, in a coffeeshop if it has a seperate area from the staff working there (e.g. partitioned area with walls).

    Regarding overturning the ban?  Personally I would say there is little to no chance of this.  If it's overturned for coffeeshops then why not bars/cafes and if bars/cafes then why not for other public areas, and if for public areas then why not for .... etcetc (you see where I am going!)

    You are right - there is so much more to Amsterdam than weed and great that you mention this. First-hand experience beats stereotypes anyday!

    Enjoy your trip again

  3. you cannot smoke tabbaco in a coffees shop unless you are in the place that has glass doors, most coffe shops hav refurbished to make these, nohtin changed, they say dont smoke tabbaco, n no one does where it not allound but if u do no will say anything, much more people are smokijn weed on the streets now though, before no one used to.

  4. I haven't been for years, but I think people sometimes forget how the coffee shops came to be there in the first place! They kept getting shut down by the police and opening up again, sometimes several times in the same day. I can't see a tobacco ban stopping those Dutch punters. Although times have changed, I could be wrong.

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