
How has this saying made u wiser in life?

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not only knowledge but age & experience makes one gain wisdom in life & see life in a better way? Can u recall something 4m ur own life that has made u wiser?




  1. 'There is no better teacher than experience'.  As we pass through life's journey we all learn the lessons of life and gain wisdom. I don't remember anything particular. But I am sure it is all the life's little experiences that shaped me to what I am today. It is your experience and knowledge that shapes you what you are and so are most of men.

  2. yes, thats true too because those who lives life, those who faces the hurdles of life and those who understands the meaning of life, purpose of life, they DO LIVE a life and go through many experiences in their lives, they face ups and downs, bad and good times, success and failures and comes to deal with so many people through out their lives, that they learn alot from other's behaviors. they somehow become aware of the *common* psychology of people, their thinkings and of their possible decisions, their nature in particular circumstances... so yes, one do learn alot through their age and experiences ~!

    nice question :)

  3. openeess to others and experience from others make your thinking  and understanding better. The more bitter experiences with others make you more matured.

    The ability varies not only to age but allah's mercy.

  4. wisdom isnt an age, its a state of mind.

  5. Hikmah is wisdom & it can be in any field of life. Hikmah can be obtained in 4 ways according to some wise scholars & socalists:

    1. experince

    2. Travels

    3. interlink with diff people & nations.

    4. age

    all of these r sources of knowledge.The morw u interact & deal with people u gain wisdom, the morre u will travel the more experience u will gain, The more one learns about others culture & customs he will have more knowledge, wisdom & experience so we can see alot of people at yougn age have more wisdom & experience them many elder due to the above factors."Sagiron iza ehtaffat alyhe al Mahafilu ) ( it was addressed upon abdullah bin Abbas(r.a)) he was young yet very wise.

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