
How has traveling changed you?

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It's made me a lot more patient and tolerant of others, and I think I became braver in a way (been traveling on my own for some time now), how about you?




  1. I have little or no patience for people that are not travel savy. I, too, travel solo 99% of the time. I find that I think about how someone will s***w up the trip and then I decide to go by myself. I do find myself more interested in how people live in their area/cities. I like to find out more about the local culture. My fear level has never changed because it never existed. I even flew 4 days after 911. When I visit a city and see that they are no different from the people in my home town, I feel that it is easier to deal with them, like bad drivers.

    I definitely have no patience for the people in the security checkpoint line that act like they have no clue what it about to happen and they hold up the line.

  2. seing 3continents in 24hours ,i realised how small is the world!

  3. It made me more aware of differences in people. But also more aware of similarities. Somehow I also notice buildings now.

    Coming from a small country I can see how we follow trends also.

    Also it changed my perception of the media and movies. I can't help but spot in movies if I have been to a place where a scene is set and it kind of ruins films for me now.

  4. To be honest I'm starting to get a little jaded, I could do with a break at home ,even though travel has always been my passion. I've lived in about 10 countries and travelled to about 90 others. I usually do 3 countries at a time. It's actually made me realise how similar we are as people and how small the world really is.

  5. It made me realise there is a huge world out there that needs to be discovered!

    I wish I did a Gap year when i was a teen but they were only for the rich back then or Royalty!

    I have been fortunate to visit Malta, France, Belgium, Holland, Lapland, Thailand briefly, Australia and Fiji. What a fab experience that just makes me want more!

    I hope to emigrate to Australia eventually but i would also love to visit:

    Dubai, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tahiti, Thailand in more detail, Maldives and maybe Bahamas.

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