
How has turning vegan/vegetarian affected your health/ how you feel?

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Since turning vegan, I have lost a small, but noticable amount of weight. I have more energy during the day and I am more amiable. I feel like I am finally doing what's right for my body and my conscious in knowing that I am not contributing to the suffering of farm animals in slaughterhouses anymore.

I know this may sound random, but I also wash my hair less frequently because it dosen't get as oily at the scalp as fast. Has anybody else been noticing this?

I feel lighter. I don't know how to describe it, but I just do.

Girls: Has anybody else felt like your period became lighter with less cramping?

I appreciate your comments!




  1. I feel tons better! Since I became a vegetarian in December of last year I felt good that I wasn't contributing to the mass death of animals but when I became veg@n I felt like i've never felt before! I feel so refreshed now and happy! I feel at peace and happy for once in my life! It's really helped me balance out my health and my entire life basically! Becoming veg@n was the best thing I ever did!! I have lost a nice amount of weight (happy about that) and I do feel lighter and healthier!

  2. I know veganism isn't a 'cure-all' but I have noticed a difference. I think I'm intolerant to milk. I was never a 'spotty' person, but I did have the occasional blemish. I haven't had a spot since going vegan but I haven't been vegan for long.

    I think it's because I'm either intolerant or allergic to milk.

    Oh, and my weight has remained stable. :)

    [edit] ''Period Fairy'' hehe bless you hellinore ^^

  3. After becoming vegan, I dropped nearly 30 lbs. and 3 pant sizes.  And ever since the intial weight loss I have been maintaining the same weight for the past year or so.  

    My energy levels are generally the same as before I was vegan but I have greater stamina when exercising or doing daily tasks around home.

    I've never had a period so no change there  :D

    Like you, I have felt some greater mental clarity, as if subconsciously meat was making me depressed and anxious before.

  4. I stopped eating red meat as just a random thing to try to stop the frequent stomachaches and diarrhea I used to get.  That reduced them like 75%.  Then I stopped eating white meat, too, which didn't really affect anything, but made me feel better about myself.  Now I've cut almost all of the dairy out of my diet (if my wife is having some really good cheese I might take a piece the size of a grain of rice, just to experience the taste), and probably only get stomach problems once a month now, which I think is completely within the "normal" range.

    I haven't noticed any changes in my hair.  I can't say I feel lighter physically - I've actually put on 30 pounds since going veggie, but that's probably just part of going from a high schooler to someone in their 30s.  I probably do feel lighter emotionally.

    I'm a guy, so...can't really comment on the other thing you asked.

    (To clarify about the weight thing, I used to be underweight, and now I'm within the normal range for my height)

  5. I really haven't noticed a difference at all.  My diet isn't infinitely healthier-- I still eat donuts and stuff.  So, obviously, I don't feel any better physically.  I guess I feel better emotionally, but only at meal time when I make a choice that doesn't make me feel guilty in the back of my mind.

  6. hey!  thank you for trying to eat "GREEN".  and yes i have seen and felt the things you describe.  i started becoming a veg after trip to slaughter house in 7th grade science class. 13 or 14.  that was in the 70's.  i have been told by my Docs that because of my genes, if i had NOT changed my diet to no meat, no fish, no eggs, & for a while (about 7.7yrs) dairyless & raw foods - i would not be here today.   i am now over 50 - still a veggie - as are all my grown children & so far 1 veggie grand son.   ATTA GIRL!  take care  :)  a veggie Mom

  7. OMG! Since becoming vegan, it feels like I've been visited by the Period Fairy or something. lol.

    I started my cycle when I was 10 (probably b/c of all the hormones in **milk**). Since then, my periods had always been heavy. They'd last 4-5 days, I'd have horrible cramps, bloating, headaches, leg aches, mood swings, etc.

    Since giving up dairy, my cramps have all but disappeared. My period lasts for 3 days - tops - and the flow is nowhere near as heavy as it used to be. My other symptoms are gone except one: I still crave chocolate. LOL. But that's one I can deal with.

    Good question - star for you!

  8. Oh let's see... weight did melt away but I also felt more like getting up and walking too.

    Moodiness dramatically decreased as did a lot of aches and pains all over and headaches lessened. Sinus infections stopped returning (dropping dairy really helped there but they were less just from dropping flesh -- I hadn't believed what I'd been told about milk making us mucusy until I hadn't had it for a couple weeks, had a glass and was stuffed up within a few minutes).

    Not nearly as tired, needed less sleep.

    But the best benefits have been it seems to take much less to feel full/satsified with food (I think because veggie food -- especially organic -- is more nutrient dense which makes it cost even less so less stress from food costs rising too). Going veggie also made me explore more so I've found a lot of food I'd probably never have tried before instead sticking to a standby such as steak or chicken.

    Sick a lot less, less stomach issues, gut issues and no more heartburn! I feel safer in my kitchen now too. Every time I was ever sick from restaurant food it was meat that caused it (including a chicken sandwich from the golden arches). Going veggie too is a great way to keep oneself away from the fast food. We've saved oodles of money and also discovered that better food at a smaller and local establishment is about the same price. I know a guy who loves the dollar menu at a certain taco place thinking he's getting a deal but he gets 8 items each time. I can get an excellent and healthy meal for $5 somewhere else usually with leftovers (or sharing).

    My cravings went away, again I think because I'm finally getting the nutrition my body needs.

    And my favorite which I hadn't noticed until a couple months into being a flexitarian and I had a piece of chicken after no meat for several weeks and had to floss and floss and floss to get all the stuck meat bits out is all my dental issues have gone away. My gums are healthy, my teeth are healthy, I'm much happier.

    But for my daughter her ADD/ADHD pretty much disappeared. Nice not to spend money on big pharma. Now we splurge on good, local food instead. Plus I no longer worry if she'll end up with Mad Cow.

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