
How has your female cat changed after being spayed?

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We took in a cat about 4 months ago. We have had her vaccinated and the vet guessimated her at a year old. We had her spayed last thursday. She has warmed up alot since we took her in off the streets. She went from skiddish to playful and semi lovey dovey. She would grace us with her presence on our ottoman in the living room while we watched tv, follow us to the bedroom and sleep in her favorite box or mostly on my gf's chest. She hasn't become the sit on your lap and give me smooches kind of cat. But now these few days after her spaying she has become a little more reclusive. She dosent lay on the ottoman near us as much and before she used to be ALOT more needy as in wanting attention in being petted. These last few days she rarely comes up wanting petting and she used to alot more playeful than she is now. She has just become alot more the steryotypicial cat, sleeping alot and wanting left alone. I'm wondering how others cats changed after being spayed. My cat was alot more attention needy and was more lovey dovey. Now she is just all "leave me alone". Has this happened to anyone else? Will she kinda go back to normal. I know it takes about 2 weeks before all the hormones level out. Just wanting to know what others experience is with their cats personality changing after being spayed.




  1. i am adopting a cat who's 4 months old and already spayed. she's so needy and lovey dovey right now, i can't imagine what she was like before she was spayed! but i think the needy thing is just her being a kitten, and she'll probably cool off a bit as she grows up.

  2. My cat got really mean and nasty after being spayed.  My mother started calling her 'nasty bugger" because she would hiss and try to scratch anyone who walked within 5 feet of her. (the cat, not my mom, ha ha)


  4. For one thing, it can't have baby kittens...

    Just to inform you of the obvious.

  5. Having a cat spayed when they're older is a bit harder on them than when they're younger and takes them a bit longer to recover from.  I'm sure this is just her hormones leveling out and she'll be back to her friendly self before too long.  If she stops eating or is particularly inactive, though, get her back to the vet.  There's a possibility of infection after any surgery so give her incision site a good looking over.

    It's not "stereotypical" for a cat to want to be left alone.  I have three cats - all adopted as adults - and they are always wanted to be played with and petted and always sit next to me when I'm on the futon.  Right now, in fact, one's on either side of me and the one on my left is pawing at my left hand demanding a petting!  The more attention you give a cat, the more and more they want.  So maybe YOU need to go seek HER out instead of wanting for her to come to you.

  6. Our cat went through changes like that too. It's hard to say whether she's the same cat now as she was before we had her spayed, and the changes didn't happen all at once. We were told she'd become more docile after, and she did. She's lovable now, and its been a few years.

  7. I got what I called the "cold shoulder" for about 3 days.  She was very sleepy for about 24 hours and really didn't do much at all and it took her a while to forgive me.  That may have been the hormones but I took it as forgiveness.

    Usually temperament improves, so I imagine she is just getting over the surgery.

  8. my cat didn't change at all lol.  yea the first week she wanted to be to herself and didn't want to be touched, but that's normal.

  9. Before my female cat ws spayed, she didnt like new people, always attacked my other cat, never played and was very thin.

    Now she is happy, put on weight, plays all the time and cuddles with my other cat just like when they were kittens.

    My other cat was only spayed a week ago, but she is fine she has always been a cheerful cat and is just the same.

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