
How has your life been as a male or female?

by  |  earlier

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share some thoughts or a little story even and why u feel that way




  1. This question is sooooo vague.

  2. is not a vague question. just have to think a little.

    im a 16 year old female and.. sometimes i think its the wackest thing ever. i have two best guy friends who have so much more freedom, and idk i think its just parent wise cause some girls can do whatever they want to. but the way my parents are. there just so over protective.. i cant take the bus, i cant walk to the store, i cant hang out with my friends unless its more than three people.. and i'm 16.

    it sucks. oh and how boys can look so beautiful with no make up on.. just their self esteem just seems to be so much higher than that of a girls.

    its like.. when your a girl, not that i want to give it all away to everyone. but everything seems to be forbidden. like oh if you do this or look like that your a blahblah. and everything on you, breast and ********, its like gold. i hate the spacial treatment cause of my body. the whistles when i walk to skoo, the stares all girls get from old men. being targeted because we are seen as weak and defenseless. that the only thing worth anything is whats between our legs, that because of the way men think i cant walk to the store without my mother tripping out worrying about my safety. yeah, sometimes i wish i was a boy. actually i do all the time. but i wouldn't.  i know that boys have things they face all the time too. but it just seems so much easier. they way they think its easier to be a girl.

    but in the end. its all good. cause im happy, healthy and strong in the heart n soul :]  

  3. fun

  4. good...

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