
How has your view of global warming changed in the last five years?

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Do you take global warming more, or less seriously today than you did five years ago?




  1. alot more serious , i can see a big difference in the last 20 years

  2. I take it more seriously but to say i can see the difference is funny. We are talking a 3 Deg change over all. i can't say 3 Deg is a big difference but it does show a trend.

    I stilldon't think humans can do anything about it and we wont make any differences by changing from a 25 MPG car to a 30MPG car. The problem is that we (humans) are Over populating the earth and no one is addressing the real issue. The reason is that telling people not to make babies is political suicide.

  3. I used to buy completly that it was our fault and that the world was in serious trouble. Now the more I learn, I still think it's an issue and that humanity may have an impact but not that it's our fault.

  4. At first I believed the hype.  But the more education one receives on the subject, the more you see that it's the Sun that is causing variations on the planet.

    In 1998 the Earth was the warmest since the 1930's.  Now it's cooling down again, even though there's more co2 in the air.

  5. Same lies as five years ago

  6. with all the hot air blowing around talking about it, the climate really is in trouble.

    i'm no different really. i make responsible use of my resources. i don't burn my tires and drive carelessly. i don't leave lights on around the house, and i don't NEED an airconditioning system in my house. but i was doing these things before all this hoo-hah about climate change. My parents raised me properly.

  7. 5 years ago I was concerned about what scientists were calling global cooling. Now the exact same scientists are warning about global warming.

    Now I don't worry about either "fact."

    If you don't believe me, look it up. Scientists wanted to spread black soot at the North and South Poles to soak up more heat.

  8. Since I have become more educated about global warming I have realized that humans haven't caused it and we can't do anything to stop it, if in fact it is happening.  However, that does not mean that I don't care about the environment.  I have posted three of my sources below.

  9. I've realized that Al Gore only told us half the story.

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