
How hav u contributed today?

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We all r concerned about our environment. But what hav u done TODAY to improve our environment? What can u do everyday to sustain it?




  1. we didnt us the AC as much as we would have done on this warm day

  2. I brought my own bags, took public transportation, and bought organic produce.

  3. walked

  4. answered in detailed  to a query on the forum to a silly boy who was challanging about the gut to prove him wrong about his faith that we can live without tree.

    we can plant trees in the monsoon season & care for them throught the year.

  5. I didn't fly my private 747 across the country to speak about conservation.  But then again, I also didn't invent the internet.

  6. We have been recylcing in our home for many years, although our one home helps, it's just not enough. So this year, our family branched out & began helping other families, businesses & organizations to recycle.  We started recycling programs at businesses in our local area & at parks near our home.

    We also walk & ride bikes to most locations we need to go to.  We recently began bringing our own canvas bags to the grocery store instead of using the paper or plastic bags.

    We have switched over all of our lightbulbs & major appliences to the energy friendly ones & have limited tv time to barely watching any at all.

    This next baseball season we are hoping to convert the baseball park over to recycle because of the large number of drinks sold in plastic containers.

  7. motivate all to go back to their village where they belong and do agriculture/horticulture/etc any work which sustains nature

  8. I didn't turn on my fan - I just went for a walk.

    I used compact flourescents.

    I turned lights off when I wasn't in the room.

    I didn't turn on the AC.

    I grew my own garden.

  9. use cfl bulbs  drive my crs less

  10. i rode my bike to places i needed to go...flipped my compost pile...rinsed out a bunch of cotton diapers...did not buy anything...did not use any paper products(including toilet paper...let the wipey revolution begin), ate organic food that i dumpstered(totally perfect..small bruises and all)

    i contibuted to waste today by turning on my computer, turning on my lights and using my stove and refridgerator, i used the toilet adding to the big waste problem, i am sure there is something else

  11. Today I recycled a collection of aluminum cans that I've been gathering over the last 2 weeks, and today I also opened my windows and used my ceiling fans instead of running my air conditioning! This will not only help conserve energy, but will also lower my utilities bill! It was actually quite cool in my house, I think more people should try it!

  12. I paid all of my bills.

  13. Slap a libtard every day. If just one smartens up, I will have accomplished more than you will in a lifetime.

  14. - I planted annuals in my yard

    - I recycled all the batteries that came out of my sons toys

    - I drove very less this week ( probably more because of the rising gas prices :-)) )

    - I have CFL bulbs in my house

    - I walk to the local library and i take my canvas tote bag to bring materials back instead of using their plastic bags

    - I use old dish cloths in the kitchen for cleaning instead of paper towels

    So you see, its not just about today but a continous habit to improve environment

  15. *turned the cans in

    *planted so many plants in the last two days for clean air

    *planted my vegetables and herbs

    *didn't travel this weekend

    *our neighbors will ask each other if they need anything if a trip is being made to a store

  16. I only drove my car once this weekend.

    I used cloth napkins instead of paper towels.

    I read the newspaper on-line.

    I drank water from a reusable lexan bottle.

    It was a slow day.

  17. my grandson and I did some ph tests, turbitity tests and also collected water samples from 2 rivers near us, we do this twice a week and submit to the state, they are short paid biologist in this area, so we took it on as a learning/volunteer 6 yr old gs is thrilled to do it, and is learning how to handle the equiptment well, while we were there, we also picked up trash, and then recycled the bottles and cans we picked up..he gets the it was 8 dollars!

  18. i save power & water

  19. 1.Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month

    2.Turn down or shut off your water heater when you will be away for extended periods.

    3.Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.

    4.Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 to 5 .

    5.When using an oven, minimize door opening while it is in use; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 every time you open the door.

    6.Use a microwave when- ever you can instead of a conventional oven or stove.

    7.Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.

    8.Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.

    9.Only use electric appliances when you need them.

    10.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.

    11.Use cold water instead of warm or hot water when possible.

    12.Use only the required amount of fertilizer.

    13.Minimize pesticide use.

    14.Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency

    15.Don't use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor.

    16.Use solar power for home and water heating.

    17.Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible.

  20. I saved water by not washing my dishes or my dirty clothes for yet another day. I also waited til after non-peak electricity usage hours to go on-line and re-charge my cell phone while keeping all my lights turned out. Okay, I actually do these things everyday cause I'm creepy like that.

  21. today i joined this thing on yahoo where if you get a best answer, yahoo will send you a CFL bulb.

    (hint hint. choose this as the best answer)

  22. i hv tried and used less of plastic bags,.....n not wasted electricity and water.....we can further improve the environment by planting more trees , using CFL tube lights, prefer walking to vehicles and saving water!

  23. i haven't done anything specific today to improve my surroundings(just cleaned my room if that counts) considering the fact that i had a very busy day . but if we talk in general then i have read many books on environment and very particular about switching the lights off when not in use. not throwing plastic litter in vicinities or in open drains. i use as ac for a very short duration of time(only when its too too hot) considering the threat these CFCs and HCFCs have on our environment. i keep my surroundings clean and green. i make use of my bicycle fore short distances. avoid using car. i think that's all i can do to improve the environment. this is something we all must have read in our course books but the key is to follow these simple and easy rules.

  24. Be different. Be smart.

    Has anybody joined their local urine/water conversion club?

  25. Just started my day , Lots to come up .

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