
How have YOU held yourself back?

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How have YOU held yourself back?




  1. by thinking too much. when i overthink situations, i end up making a bigger deal out of a small problem, and in the end i move two steps back and one step forward. sometimes i feel that because i think too much, i don't extend my full potential to others and it also reflects at how low my self esteem is, which is detrimental in the long run. there are too many things that i can name that have held me back...

  2. Sometimes.

  3. I had it stuck in my head that I wasn't good enough for certain things. I guess just fear in general held me back from doing alot of things that I wanted to do. Too many to list.

  4. In high school I did quite a bit.  I was lazy and would settle for a B or even a C if that meant I did not have to do homework

    But as an adult I general I haven't.  I have gone after what I wanted, kept my morals and typically gotten what I wanted.  Occasionally there was someone who could do a better job than I did who got what I wanted, but I then took the initiative to better myself or even ask for their advice....even in personal relationships.

    Of course we can all improve ourselves, my biggest problem is still a bit of laziness...getting the laundry finished when the hamper gets full, vacuuming more often, not letting dishes sit in the sink over night....

  5. I haven't!!

    Why would I do that? The worst thing I do is not get enough sleep sometimes and waste time on this forum that I could be using for more constructive activities.

  6. I don't really have regrets about anything ive chosen to do myself, even when it has gone spectacularly wrong.

    i guess, procrastination if anything.

  7. Yes, many times.

    There has been times where i wanted to do things, but nerves got the better of me, see im really shy and not very confidant, and that doesn't help either.

  8. I have let standards hold me back. I have let things that don't make sense hold me back. I have just recently learned to think on my own. I held myself back in that way.

  9. I hold myself back because of uncertainties and fear. I haven't reached my potential - pertaining to my career, because I fear what will happen if I leave my current job.

    Just fear in general in all areas of my life.

  10. I've held myself back by worrying too much. I constantly worry that things will go wrong and it often prevents me from doing things that I would do if I had more confidence.

  11. I've let my parents run my life, more or less.  It's not something I'm proud of.

  12. I always have to do things my way...with is often the hard way.

    Just look at my life I did everything backward from the order its normally done. (career, kid, marriage, and then college)

    Which means i often put ten times more effort into getting the same results as everyone else....but then I've done and seen a heck of a lot more things then most people.  So it's mixed.

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