
How have aviation inbdustry in india affected by increase in number of airlines in india?

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How have aviation inbdustry in india affected by increase in number of airlines in india?




  1. With it's huge population,  the airline industry in India is highly saturated with carriers and the business is booming with a plethora new small start up airlines and low cost carriers.  


    Richard Branson was thinking of expanding into India with a new low cost carrier called Virgin India but the competition and difficulty and red tape associated  with local laws and regulations made him decide to forget the idea.


  2. Now you can see modern airplanes in India, I mean one flies with only  a B747-200, and A300-B4 and some old A320 with single 2 tires per MLG instead of 4.

    It use to be the people are hostile to foreigners as 1 British told me that he was told "we don't want you here."  But now  the neccessity of hiring skilled, qualified workers is enivitable, the locals are more amenable and a bit sociable..

  3. There has been such a rapid increase in the number of airlines starting-up in India that the number of pilots, maintenance personnel, air traffic controllers, etc has been unable to keep up and there are serious shortages of skilled people in all these categories. This is tending to restrict the rate at which the airlines can expand.

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