
How have flowering plants overcome the following problems associated with life on land?

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1) The absence of an aquatic environment for reproduction

2) The absence of an aquatic environment to support the plant body

3) Dehydration of the plant




  1. 1. Plants have adapted to the absence of an aquatic enviornment  for reproduction by growing spores, and seeds and pollen. Spores and pollen are able to be carried by wind and animals. Seeds provide some nutrients already and a little bit of water. This helps the plant grow during the right conditions.

    2. Vasacular systems develop. Also the stems become thicker and more sturdy.

    3. To prevent from dehydration plants developed the CAM and C4 processes to help plants that live in dry and humid areas. There is also waxy cuticles that help prevent dehydration. Also, leaves contain stomatas - openings on the underside of the leaf - that helps air and nutrients in and waste out. Also in the hot conditions, the plant leaves there stomatas closed during the day and open them during the night aka CAM.

  2. 1. Found pollinators example insects and also some agents like air.

    2. Xylem and Pholem gives support and so does the root.

    3. There is cuticle on leaves of the plant to maintain water loss and also guard cell's help in maintaing the loss of water too.

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