
How have modern gadgets made people lonely & isolated ?

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  1. there is really no need to leave your home anymore, head to a library or even try to meet new people. Technology has made everything so convenient as well as made us dependant upon its use. We are headed for disaster.

  2. d****s

  3. Virtual connection has surpassed physical connection, in some cases, or at least enough to warrant concern.

    Modern "gadgets", such as the television, the internet, and now cell phones, iPods, and other hand held gadgets encourage people to stay in their own worlds.

    A simple explanation: the more time people spend playing with gadgets, the less time they spend face-to-face with another person, even if they're texting them!

    These phenomena have shifted the culture of the United States in particular - although the U.S. was never a highly collective nation, it is much less collective than it used to be - and is best described as a highly individualistic nation. Technological innovations such as "gadgets" are largely responsible for this shift.

    This is why many people feel lonely and isolated - and it creates quite the dilemma - people lack a human connection if they spend too much time using "gadgets" and experience are out of the loop without having "gadgets".

    Just try not having a cell phone nowadays....

    And yes, I know you can get along without one....LOL

    Use gadgets and have connections with people face to face for balance! :)

    Great question!

  4. It is very common among employers today that they will tell you that young people are rude and do not know how to socialize in small groups.

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