
How have petrol prices changed over past 20 yrs in Australia?

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I'm doing an assignment 4 school. If u can answer that would b a HUGE help. Thanx:-)




  1. I can't remember the cost of petrol in the 1970's but I do remember that we used to regularly be able to afford to buy a 44gallon drum of it, especially when the refineries were going on strike and there would be a pending petrol shortage.

    Petrol started to go up when we went metric. The change from gallons to litres gave a false sense of cheapness.

    I am in Australia.

  2. I recall in in the early 80's it was 30 cents a litre ,seems cheap but it is all relative and other things like white goods , clothes and imported item where more expensive than they are now.

  3. Just as a personal answer I can tell you that when I was in school in the 1990s I remember my parents complaining how expensive it was when the petrol was going up to 70c a litre.  I guess considering it is now over $1.50 there has been a pretty significant increase!  (That is prices in Brisbane - and only in the last 10-15 years)

  4. Here is a powerpoint presentation from 2006 detailing & graphing a lot of the information worldwide & in Australia. There are a couple of charts in here that would be really helpful to have in an assignment. Be careful not to get caught copying, you should run the information again yourself so that you really know it. It was done by Caltex so I am sure it is unbiased *cough*

  5. They have gone up and then up and up some more!!

  6. Yes, in the 90s.. it wasnt even a dollar.. I remember seeing it for 70cents a liter..

    But now its almost $2.. So yes, thats a big increase..

  7. Australian petrol prices

    Mar-83 Retail Petrol price was 44.2c. Excise was 6.2c. GST/State Taxes 6c. Leaving 32.0c for the Service station before its cost

    Mar-90 Retail Petrol price was 64.1c. Excise was 24.1c. GST/State Taxes 6.5c. Leaving 33.5c for the Service station before its cost

    Mar-96 Retail Petrol price was 71.2c. Excise was 34.2c. GST/State Taxes 7.5c. Leaving 29.5c for the Service station before its cost

    Mar-00 Retail Petrol price was 87.8c .Excise was 36c. GST/State Taxes 8.2c .Leaving 43.6c for the Service station before its cost

    Aug-00 Retail Petrol price was 100.0c. Excise was 38.1c. GST/State Taxes 9.1c. Leaving 52.8c for the Service station before its cost

    Jun-08 Retail Petrol price was 155.0c. Excise was 38.1c. GST/State Taxes 14.55c. Leaving 102.35c for the Service station before its cost

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