
How have social networking sites (like Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, etc) changed our society and or values?

by Guest10732  |  earlier

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How have these types of sites impacted people and society in general?




  1. They make teenagers go on the computer way too much. They could be doing something like playing outside and getting exercise but instead they just sit around all day on the computer. It could be a link to the growing rate of obese children.

  2. People spend a lot more time on the internet and looking at other peoples' pages.  I think a lot of this age-group thinks more in terms of, "oh, well on their facebook/myspace page, they...."  Also, I think that the way in which we view and value our privacy has shifted somewhat.

  3. No more birthday cards. No more remembering birthdays. Less urgent phone calls...more people knowing what their friends said to their cousin last week. New ways to date..."In a relationship" online...then they hang out in person a week later...and break up three days after. This is even people over 14. I would miss the world pre-social net working world but I just think it's too funny.

  4. our society bases its value on fantasy which sparks a more materialistic, selfish attitude towards ones lifestyle.

  5. Yes.

    The ramifications are so far reaching, it would take days to write  that paper.

    I put random away messages up, just to see who will answer them.  I can compel people to think that I'm talking about them.  For instance:  "you need to call me"; simple and to the point.  I won't get ANY calls, but I'll get an IM and two text messages saying "do you need to talk to me?"

    NOW- keep in mind that any interaction- prior or future- is in real life, but the social network part connected the two.  It comes full circle.   right?

    The internet can mask your values; you can make up your society (literally, on the sims...).  You can be who you want; but I like to just be me.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is, that you have to have values in the first place in order for them to be changed.  assume not.

    elaboration anyone....I'm busy at work!


  6. i dont think they have on a large scale.  if you think about it... very little of the worlds whole population are actually on these sites.  but if ur speaking about small societies like a school then they have just made everyone more nosy.

  7. No.  We are our own minds, our own being.  Perhaps the weak ALLOW themselves to be changed, but the strong at heart know better.  Sadly the computer is an addiction to some but we can't blame that on myspace anymore than we can blame Bud Light for some jerk driving drunk.  As people we have choices in life, we choice right or we choice wrong but the blame game is an escape goat.

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