
How have the lives of Australian women changed from 1901 till 2008?

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I have a VCE research assignment to do. Most of the information i have found is about voting rights and the Womens Suffrage movement.

I would like to know a little more about their lifestyle and hardships they would have encountered.




  1. The lives of women have changed so much, in so many ways, it is actually hard to fathom ~ the lives of women in 1901 are more like a foreign planet than they are like our lives today.

    Couple of links below about everyday life.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck with the assignment.

    Cheers :-)

  2. Less underwear.

  3. Employment is an area of change. In certain occupations like the army,flight attendants, women had to leave once they were engaged to be married. Also in these days no questions such as marital status, any children or whats your age are allowed when being interviewed for jobs. this is just one little area that has changed for women.

  4. greatly...

    From 1908-1944 (i think) the industrial machine was driven primarly by the male population....

    Now as the war dragged on and millions of men dying, they had to find an alternative work force.

    This was met by the female population that was left behind.

    This more or less was disbanded after the war...

    In conclusion from this point it shows that:

    1: Women can be exploited by the 1900-1945 culture

    2: Those who worked hard during this time gained little recognition of their efforts

    3:The capability of neglected populations.

    Also during the 1950-1960 more freedoms were expressed, although still being sent into traditional industries, started to have the controls lifted which has continued up to the cesspool our society has become today.

    So has you can see... in the period of 100 years the male dominate society has been reversed to a womens to say...

  5. well, instead of being expected to stay at home, women are expected to go to work (although kind of forced to because many families need 2 incomes to survive). women basically have equal opportunity in their career choice and education, instead of the male being head of the family many women are expecting and taking on a shared role.

    women have more freedom at home and at work, because many families have 2 cars, women are able to have their own means of transport and dont have to rely on anyone else. within the workplace there are many equal rights laws and help can be given if theres any discrimination, plus theres equal pay.

    women are no longer expected to have children and be solely responsible for the raising of the kids; its acceptable not to have a family or be married, and if they choose to have kids then they have access to childcare and arent expected to quit their job permanently.

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