
How have the rising cost of gas..(and everything else along with it) affected your summer plans?

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Will you be vacationing this year? If so - it is closer to home? How have the rising prices effected the common man?

Washington obviously doesn't hear us...What sacrifices have you & your family HAD to make..just to survive?




  1. I live in South Carolina and here, except along I-95 and in Myrtle Beach, gas prices are low compared to the rest of the country.  I don't drive out of town unless absolutely necessary.  I live with my dad and he drives on our vacation.  Unfortunately, for the past 10 years we have only been able to visit family up the coast and further inland.  My dad and I are the only family in the state.

    The last time I filled my tank it cost me about $25.00; the next time it'll be $40-45.00.  I live far from I-95, but in a city that it passes through.


  2. well i don't speed much now to be honest >_> haha.

    and my boyfriend and I make sure we take turns picking each other up so one of us doesn't use up a tank of gas in a week when we see each other.

    my family just doesn't have much enthusiam to go out much, just for work. it's sad and will only get worse when gas price rockets up higher.

  3. It hasn't affected my vacation plans at all. I have a good job and 6 weeks paid vacation.Gas is only $4.39¢ where I live.That's still real cheap. Does everyone in here work at Toys R Us for minimum wage?If you can't afford gas why are you paying for Internet service?

  4. It has effected everyone in some way, We just adjusted to it, we go grocery shopping like twice a month, instead of every week, we bought the kids play equipment for the back yard so we don't have to drive to a park or water park, we pretty much do things at home now instead of driving places to do things, we are still planning to vacation this year in Michigan, then in Florida maybe in the beginning of next year, but we have to carefully plan our every moves to conserve on money

  5. Yes still vacationing.  little closer car pool also.cut down o n spending    It affects everone

  6. My vacation was bought about 6 months ago and it is now paid for.  I saved my change and a little more so I could have spending money.  I car pool to work and have done so for at least the last 5 years.  So, what this boils down to is because I watch what I spend all of the time I have not had to make any changes in my lifestyle.  Now is a good time to start a car pool, make lists so you can do as many errands as possible in one trip, stop using the drive-thru, start making your own coffee, buy groceries and cook.  Learn to plan ahead for vacations and start searching for good prices well before you want to go.  This way you remove all the stress.  Book your trips early and pay them off before you go.  I have been doing all of these things for many years.  If you start now and keep doing this when times are better you, too can be in a good place the next time things get tough.

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