
How have we as humans evolved physically in the past 100,000 years?

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How have we as humans evolved physically in the past 100,000 years?




  1. Once we visited a 16th century cottage and the doorways were so low that everybody had to stoop and the beds were so tiny.  I think that we've gotten at least 6 inches taller in 500 years.

  2. We've grown taller, and the hair, appendix, and little fingers have begun to disappear.  Use em or lose em.

  3. the world and us humans have become more voilent. im should like 100,000 years ago you didnt hear about teenagers/kids killing people and beating people up.


    Nickie xx

  4. We haven't evolved, we devolved.  People are dumber now than in the past,  That's when civilization was created, laws were made.  Food grew bigger and better.  Today we're a bunch of developmentally disabled grunts.  Who follow the crowd and have no individuality

  5. Physicaly we look pretty much the same, however around 50k years ago our brains took a developmental evolution and became slightly more complex, which accounts for the huge cultural explosion which took place at that time. Some people say we were shorter, but that wasnt genetic, people grew were shorter after agriculture became our main source of subsistence, which overall decreased peoples nutrition.

  6. 10,000 years ago aliens came here and genetically modified ancient man into what he is today.

  7. We've grown an extra arm.

  8. That is an assumption that evolution is true.  I challenge you to research:

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