
How have you changed since 9/11?

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in what way?




  1. I got older and remarried.

  2. I've had two kids, and grown up a lot, I was still in high school.

  3. yes i cherish life more, that could have been any of us up in those towers or in those air liners or it could have been any of our family members

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    With ' Children are to be seen and not to be heard"

    " Keep your hands off the Toll free line"

    Look at the mess in messing up with the Toll free line in dialing up US-911.

    Does one know there's no free lunch nowadays.

    When times are bad.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. I eat  more pork and pig products. It's like Kryptonite to Muslims.

    Eat as much as you can. When they take over the country, the way they have in other nations, you wont be able to get pork any more.

  6. i got my record deal and im learning more about life. im learning about history and humanism. also, im working harder to achieve my goals, because even though im top in the charts right now, im still not the best.

  7. why what happened on 9/11??? not a thing that won't change the way i go about my buisness

  8. Never take life for granted.

  9. yes.  i was a teenager then, so i've probably changed i many ways

  10. Yes Ive changed in a lot of ways including maturity.

    But if you're asking have 9/11 changed me ... um.. no I don't think so... I was still young then. Tho I do feel bad for the people but thats the most.

  11. I got 7 years older. LOL

  12. i havent changed a bit thats what they want is to affect our livs so dont let them

  13. My first real shock was when I  was 15 and JFK was assassinated.  I campaigned my neighborhood for him with my dad, and got to see him at the Long Island arena when he was campaigning there.  His death devastated me.  To this day I feel it in the pit of my stomach.  

    THEN CAME 9/11.  Still, the same gut wrenching devastating feeling, only now I'm a whole lot older than 15.  

    Something happened inside me on 9/11 that will probably NEVER go away.  Hard to explain, but that day the happy go lucky, care free child in me vanished. it's like I got shocked into maturity all in one morning and I felt the weight of the world on my shoulder. If you heard of shell shock, it was just like that.  

    Fortunately, my humor and the rascal child in me returned, but only recently.  Since that day, I have slept with a radio and earplugs in my ear, I've become more interested in world events, news, politics.  

    I'm listening to what the 9/11 truth folks have to say and sorting all that in my mind.  I've been doing a lot of research about it.  I'm on the verge of believing it, but inwardly I just don't want to believe my government could plan such a horrific thing.  Thing is, it's been done before.  What I want to believe may not be the truth.  I have to go with what the truth really is whether I like it or not.  There are many of these on YouTube, but this is most convincing.  Sorry to say.

  14. i havent.  i feel bad for those who died and had to experience it and lost their loved ones, but im not going to let those losers win, and fear them.

  15. i was afraid for awhile.  then i opened my eyes, stopped watching tv, and found out the truth about it.  now im horrified.

    some questions

    what happened to building 7?

    wheres the video footage of the plane hitting the pentagon?

    how did a plane even get inside dc airspace?

    why are some of the "hijackers"  still alive?

  16. i dont dont hysterically

    laugh when someone dies

    ...i jus giggle now!!!

  17. Yes. I've lost my naivete about the honesty of US government and US media in describing historic events. The 9/11 Commission report was a huge mendacious white wash. The media played along with the government. I realized that the three buildings in NYC on 9/11 were demolished. They did not collapse.

    I was driven to try and understand why a group of Middle Eastern men would attack the US. It did not make sense. After reading about the 9/11 Truth Movement, I realized that most of the truth was being hidden by powerful interests.

    We have a powerful industrial - military - congressional - medical - media - insurance complex that has taken control of America to the detriment of its citizens. Our liberal Bill Clinton did great things for corporate America, but he forced jobs overseas with the NAFTA and other international trade agreements.

    I now know that many uncomfortable truths will not be revealed by our government or by major media outlets in the US. Agent Orange was denied by the Pentagon for 20 years. Right now, deleted uranium munitions is causing hundreds of tons of uranium oxide pollution. Birth defects and cancers have increased in Iraq and as far away as India.  Servicemen and Servicewomen are experience Gulf War syndrome, that is likely caused by radiation.

    When will the lying and cover ups stop?

  18. i don't think i have changed since 9/11,i have just become a little more angry about the way we live and our values towards other humans and the environment we live in lets all try to respect our fellow man. we seem to be driven by money greed and power! we seem to be in a path of self destruction of this world we live in and everything in it.tolerance and love for our fellow man .i guess i have changed since 9/11 because now i really do care about others.

  19. I am no longer ignorant to the evil that is radical Islam.

  20. I learned the TRUTH about 9/11. That it was a conspiracy set up by the US government in order to invade IRAQ for OIL.  

    Most people only know about "the twin towers" falling, but what have you heard about building 7, do you even know a 3rd building fell? And that 3rd building wasn't hit by an airplane!

    The molten metal found when searching for survivors was 500 degrees HOTTER than what airplane fuel burns.

    I also learned that the towers were MADE to withstand a 747 crashing into them!

    Then there's also the fact that ALL 3 buildings fell DEMOLITION style.

    Oooh.. Lest we forget about the so called terrorists that crashed into the towers, we're found alive? How about the passport that magically survived everything?

    Yeah. I learned quite a bit about how our government used the entire USA as a scapegoat.

    Learn something for yourself. Check the link. Watch the movie. Do research.

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