
How have you lost weight and what made you finally say enough?

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How have you lost weight and what made you finally say enough?




  1. Lol, well...

    I weighed myself one day and was really surprised i run round my house, I lost 0.4 kg. Then the next day I thought about and decided I would stop because everyone always called me anorexic and I wasnt that fat, it just suprised me that I gained weight. When I stayed around the same weight for a couple of years.

  2. Diet and exercise

    completely on my own... i am only 15 and it was around march of this year where i just was wearing the largest size in juniors (17) and i hated going shopping.. and i was sick of eating so much and doing nothing... so i decided to start working out at my highschool with a friend.. dropped just one jean size by doing that 3 times a week and still eating normal.. then summer hit and i started a diet and i lost 3 more sizes in 3 month... total of around 40 pounds since march... now im like a size 9/11 depending on the brand in juniors, i feel so much better now.. i limit myself to around 1200-1500 cal. a day and i exercise almost everyday... i do eat like a normal teenager some days though (not much) and im still losing weight... 1 more size and ill be at my goal.

  3. How do you say enough? I mean, I guess once I became about 11 lbs aunderweight and realized I had the *** of gumby that I would probably like to stop losing weight, but no woman likes to see the scale climb, so even though I'm too thin, it is hard for me to accept gaining weight, even though I want a better ***.

  4. Interesting question!

    I am 47 and I went to the Doctor last year and he told me that if I did NOT lose weight I could die.  It was not what he said but how he said it.  It was so matter of fact.  I went out to the internet looking for help and only found websites SELLING something.  Everyone had a hidden agenda.

    My wife (Sue) and I decided to start our own website ( as we learned the straight scoop of weight loss.

    As I researched the information I gained SOOOOOOOOOOOO much knowledge that I now feel wonderful helping others.  I have no hidden agenda to sell you a certain diet pill or even a diet.  I believe ALL pills are a waste, as are most diets.

    I have lost 45 pounds as of today in the last year. I have 50 -60 more to go.  I feel great and did it without surgery, pills or a diet plan.

    If you want to know, go to my site and read the 200 articles and catch a glimpse of my philosophy.  In a quick moment that philosphy is to............."skip the diet and start a "live-it".

  5. When you lose weight you should have a goal. If you're not sure, you'll know when you get to a weight where you feel good, and you feel you look good.  That's your ideal weight.

    In order to maintain your ideal weight, you eat your weight X15.  So if your ideal weight is 120 pounds, you will maintain that weight by eating 120X15=1800 calories a day.  That's assuming you're not a couch potato and you do a normal amount of exercise. For example, 20 minutes of walking a day.  :)

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