
How have your dogs acted around cows?

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today I took my dogs to the mountains near san diego where I live. we were hiking through a meadow and there were cows just wandering around unfenced, and there was a steer in the middle of the path. My dogs have never seen or interacted with cows because we live in the city, my german shepherd tried to approach the steer and the steer turned and lowered his head keep my dog away, and my shepherd jumped out of the way. My other dog, an english setter, just kinda mad dogged the cow for like 60 seconds and then went on his way.

was that normal behaviour for the steer? are the cows less aggressive?

I really don't think my dogs were in much danger, but next time they will be on leashes.




  1. We have a pretty big pasture with about 7-10 cows plus calves and have a couple of herding dogs. They normally leave the cows at peace but sometimes they like to go and aggravate them. (Usually if they get through the fence.) The steer probably wuz thinking your dog might harm it or the others (Saw it as a threat.) and your English Setter might have been telling the steer to "Back off!" or " He wasn't bothering you" On the other hand your German Shepard might have been going over there to investigate,and the cow might have been chased by dogs before,and lowered his head as in self defense. (again might have been a threat.)  But from a little experience that's just what Im thinking. im not totally sure.

  2. The steer probably hasn't seen many dogs, either.

  3. when my dog saw one for the first time it walked up to it low and just looked at it like what the h**l are you? sniff it a bit and barked at it trying to get it to play or do something and it turned and walked away and my dog just went fine and came back over to me.

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