
How have your kids changed you?

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I find that my values and appreciations have changed since I had kids. How about you? How have you changed because of having kids? How?




  1. I was white, now I'm black!

  2. My daughter has done a number on me. I look at people treating their kids like c**p and want to find the nearest hole to throw them in. I have become more environmentally conscious and I don't cuss near as much. I spell out my cuss words backwards just in case. She is like the conscience that I had lost.

  3. more understanding of what todays kids go through..

  4. My priorities have changed.  It's not all about me anymore.  It's all about him.  What can I do to make his life better?  What can I do to make me a better mom to him?  What can I do to make him happy and have the best life he possibly can?

    He's #1 in my life now.  And I love every minute of it.

  5. i never get bored,they keep me enjoying things, i didnt think i would enjoy as an adult,like going to the zoo,parks,flying kites,i get to relive christmas all over,i love it!!i am also way more responsible and busy...with tai kwon do,hockey,basketball and dance.i agree, i appreciate things that i didnt before.i owe them to give them my best.

  6. I respect parents in general more. I cry more. I laugh more.

    I think I am more empathetic and sensitive. I am less judgemental.

    I drive slower, eat better and work out more.

    I have always loved and respected my wife, but our son has brought us closer for sure.

    I look forward to the future more than ever.

  7. They are helping me to learn patience...something I struggle with.  I love to show them the three young deer in our backyard this morning...even though they were eating my apple trees!  They have helped me to see once again the wonderment of our world.  I laugh and play every day thanks to them.  And they have given me more reasons to love my husband as I watch them in his arms.

  8. I need to get out of the house more often. :)

  9. My sight on life after i first set eyes on my son changed.

    Im a young mom, and i never understood the concepts of love until he was here. Now the deepest part of my heart and soul are alive. I wake up everyday knowing he'll still be mine.

    I think the head-achs, being so dog-on tired. Getting woke up at 5 am to him pulling my hair just so he knows im watching him or just so he can look into my eyes. Just anything and everything he does reminds me how lucky i am. even when he wont stop crying or has to wake up at 3:30 am and waiting to stay up and play those moments make me even more apreciative. I'm the only person that can make he content and give him what he needs.

    Overall having my son was the best thing ive done for myself.

    I've changed because i always kinad took people in my life for advantage not thinking that they would ever leave my life. & now i make sure i make them aware that i love them, not just assuming that they know i do. I give my family and friends hugs and random acts of kindness to show my love and affection for them. where as i was so self-centerd before ( god i was mean! lol)

    Children are ust simply amazing in the ways that change and form lives for their parents

  10. My daughter gave me a purpose in my life, and something to live for.

    Before I had her, I was really struggling with depression, even on medication.. I felt like everything was hopeless.

    But since having her I have never looked back, she has changed my whole world.

    She's taught me to appreciate everything in life, I love watching her grow everyday, I am always learning things from her.

    She has given me a life worth living.

  11. When I had my first child I instantly stopped being the person I was up to that point.  I became a more reliable, caring person. When my second child came along I realised that I had turned into my mom , having a wealth of information to share with people, not just kiddie stuff.  You seem to change without  even realising it!  Also I became more fearful, not for me but for them.

  12. Oh yes they have changed me alot.  I care so much more about the world and what is going on now, I also take better care of myself.  Things I said i'd never do i've done a hundred times.  They make you see people and the world in a whole new 'innocent' eye.  I don't know where i'd be without my children, they are truly my everything.

  13. I have learned everything is not all about me. It's about taking care of my baby.

  14. i have changed my parents. its a fact

  15. given me responsibility, i dont go out much anymore, and its made me a much kinder more compassionate person.

  16. I learned to be affectionate, something I lack growing up.

    I became a better cook.

    Less stress and more at ease.

  17. Oh gosh.  Things that didn't matter as much before matter now.  Like boyfriends for example.  I had a few before my daughter, and eventually you may learn that you're a little different, but who cares cuz it's not a big deal and you like being with them.  But throw kids into the mix, and it changes things.  I know now what's important to me in the long run, not just for short-term happiness.  Having a bf is something I would like, but I'm not out searching for it cuz I'm concentrating on my daughter and raising her at the moment, that's all that matters right now.  I'm no longer willing to 'settle' with certain characteristics in the opposite s*x, cuz certain things mean more to me now than they ever have.  I have also become more apt to open my mouth and ask questions when I need to, even if I may feel silly or stupid for asking them.  Having my daughter has made me, in some situations, not worry about the trivial things in life.  And by trivial I don't mean the important 'little things', I mean like things I used to worry about that are really not that big of a deal to actually be worrying about.

  18. I think the biggest thing that has changed for me is that my priorities are completely different. Where it used to be all about me, what I was going to do, or what I was going to buy for myself. Now I go shopping for myself and end up coming home with nothing for me and tons for my kids. They are the most important thing to me and everything I do is for, or because of them. I love my babies!

  19. oh wow!!! my daughter has changed my entire life. before i had her all i did was party and i only cared about myself. i had a very violent temper and a very quick fuse.. now i'm Way more paitent, i dont party. i dont drink or do drugs or even smoke. before i had my daughter i was a high school drop-out with no plans of returning had never held a job and was in abusive relationships.. now i've got my GED, a half-way decent job and the most amazing man who loves and supports me and who i want to marry someday. overall my baby saved my life!

  20. I don't go out partying as much.  they have slowed me down and showed me a whole other side to loving a person...

  21. Having kids has change my perspective that each kid is different and you have to know how to learn to work with each kid.

  22. Oh, most definately. My children have total canged my entire outlook on life. I was young when I had my first child, I was 21 and all that mattered to me at that time was having fun, until my daughter was born. Now I value my time at home with my husband and my kids (we now have two), we built a new home and have "adult" responsibilties and rarely to never go out and if we do it is not to the bar or club, it's to dinner and a movie. They have made em realize there is much more to life than parties and spending money. I love my life now.

  23. Watching them grow has made me aware of how fast the time goes and how important it is to appreciate every moment with those we love.  

    They have given me a sense of past and future. I can see my heritage in them and how they will pass it on to the next generation.

    I have learned that there is something larger than myself and my own needs.  Sometimes I've had to give more than I received, but in the long run,  I've gotten back much more than I've given.

    They have given me inspiration and strength during hard times - when things go wrong, I can't just feel sorry for myself; I have to keep going for their sake.

    They have given me so much pleasure, fun, and enjoyment. I can't imagine how empty my life would have been without them.

    .....from a mother of 3 who are leaving the nest

  24. Stopped bar hopping.....stopped drinking altogether.............I worry about the climate/politics/the war///what's going on in our city........our block.......their school..........


  25. Yeah, before my kids were born I honestly was selfish and I was always trying to impress everyone but I learned that no matter what my kids will love me and give me the love like no one else.  I have learned the friends and boyfriends are not as important anymore. There was times when I was raising my three kids alone and we would be struggling.  I put thier needs way before mine.  Honestly, I put thier wants before my needs, which later I learned that I can not always do that.  I learned not to sweat the little things. My kids are my life.

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