
How healthy is dried fruit?

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How healthy is dried fruit?




  1. very much except that it is full of cals too

  2. It's healthy, but make sure it has no sulfates or added sugars.  And look to see where the fruit was grown.   Traders Joe has removed all products from China form their stores.

  3. just as healthy as fresh fruit

  4. dried fruits are generally very healthy. By drying fruit you preserve more of the nutrients and vitamins than you would by freezing or canning.

    However when you buy dried fruit you have to be careful. Sometimes they add sugar (which is unnecessary as dried fruit is very sweet in itself) and that way it is not really that healthy anylonger and should rather qualify as candy. Some manufactures also add chemicals which are not good for your health in order to preserve the dried fruit or enhance the colors. I dry our own fruit, when we have bought too much or when it is on sale and that way it is extremely healthy because  there is no extra added sugar and no bad chemicals.

  5. Unless MY logic fails ME

    they are the same as fresh..

  6.   there about the same but  i think some protine  got out  no junk though

  7. It's healthy in the way that there are benifits and no harms in eating dried fruits, but by drying fruits such as apricot, some of the nutrients and liquids which are healthy are lost to dehydration.

  8. dried fruit is extremely healthy

    yeah there's this stuff called ash (its not really ash)

    but its really good for you and you can only get it from dried fruit!

    so eat up!

    just remember: prunes make you p**p...a lot if you eat too many ;)

    yeah and its not sooooo healthy only because its kind of dried you don't get any of the juice

    but other than that its good

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