
How heavy should my punching bag be if......?

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How heavy should my punching bag be if I'm 14? Should I use the gloves? Thank you for answering.




  1. i would say around 2 1/2lbs and yes use gloves! you gotta be careful not to injure yer hand! gosh!

  2. Wear bag gloves, and use a 40 or 60 lb bag.

  3. you don't want a light bag like 200 and down. you want something heavy and that it what will really test how powerful your punch really is. Do also knuckle pushups(on knuckles of index and middle finer) to hav conditioned knuckles. I really don't see the point in gloves if you hav good conditioned hands and you know how to punch(meaning you throwing a punch with your arm lined up. usually people just throw a punch(all there fingers and knuckles hitting the bag) and get injured. what you want is to punch the bag with the index and middle finger knuckles only with your wrist aligned. These little details are unknowned to most. Also a punch is a punch, don't try to punch hard, you can hav hard conditioned knuckles and you won't hav to try so hard and break your hand. a light jab to the nose of someone can do good enough damage. no need to make a doubled edge weapon.

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