
How helpful are FSH injections? I just ovulated(maybe yes'day or today) on 3rd round of clomid 100mg...?

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Hello all, I know its been a long time since i have been here..I am in my 3rd cycle of Clomid 100mg. Today i went to a new RE(my previous ob/gyn was not at all taking care of me after being put on clomid), this new dr was fabulous!!!! i liked her and her staff. She discussed various options after clomid (fingers crossed, i should conceive on this cycle). Today on the 1st visit itself, they did an u/s and found 2 follicles are released and waiting in fallopian tubes..(so excited that i got to go at the right time) She said she would go for 'FSH injections' if this cycle is unsuccessful.

I would appreciate if u all pls boost up my confidence with some nice experiences with FSH and IUI ??




  1. We tried the FSH injections (Gonal F) after Clomid.  They involved a lot more monitoring through ultrasounds and blood work as the dosage can be adjusted throughout your cycle.  I produced more mature follicles when on them increasing our chances for success - the doctor was aiming for 3 - 5 per cycle.  Doing the actual injections were not bad - it is a small needle and I was able to do it myself ... personally, I also had much less side effects than the Clomid.  I felt like myself, pretty even, comfortable and peaceful when on the FSH.

    We tried it for 3 cycles - had one chemical pregnancy . . . but that was it.  After that we moved onto IVF which used a lot of the same meds and I am now 36w 1d pregnant with twins so it all worked out in the end for us.

    Best wishes and baby dust - hoping this is your cycle so that you will not even need to move onto the injections!

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