
How high can you fly with iron wings?

by  |  earlier

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Scared of losing

The chance

Iron wings loaded

Tallest sights set

On you

Love for you

Is love to me

I say I do

So you can see

If I lose you

Never knew who

Loved turned pages

Sealed urns spill

Angels ashes

I'm blown away

So soft so said

So there I bled

So now I'm lead

So silent I shed

Iron wings





  1. Iron wings and all ,,,Your flying pretty high with this one  

  2. And If those Iron wings,

    Should melt

    and let you fall.

    My Golden wings will

    catch you,

    And together we will


  3. Would warrant not too high.  Icarus would have fared a tad better.

    Interesting!  You're on a roll this morning...and I've only had my first cup of brew.

  4. Lift generated with iron wings will take enormous thrust.

  5. Fascinating poem.  I must be in a dark mood for I'm finding dark poetry very stimulating. This is excellent.


  6. You're flying with this, HP!

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