
How high do u think gas will get in the next 10 years??

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  1. hopefully the world will still be here in ten years!!

  2. I say in ten years 10 dollars a gallon will be at least the norm.

    Oil will --NEVER-- run out..  it will get expensive but will never run out..   in 1-200 years we wouldnt even be using oil, but to put it into perspective on how mch oil is left,

    Saudi arabia still has a bunch of oil left.  and at its peak, they were said to have 260 billion barrels proven underground.  Iran has 130 proven, iraq just over 100, kuwait just over 100..

    But then take a country like Canada..  we dont have alot of sweet crude oil, bt we have tar sands.  Right now we can see with the naked eye on the top layer, about 175 billion barrels untouched.  Canadian geologists have estimated that the taking into consideration the depths of the Alberta tar sands and how far they reach under forests, that Alberta may have over 3+ TRILLION barrels of oil in the tar sands alone.  Combine that with the fact that Russia, alaska, all have vast reserves of oil in shale..  we are talking about more oil that Saudi Arabia could ever dream of.

    Only problem is it takes more money to extract, but at least we can never worry about 'running out'.

    Mark my words, Canada is the next Saudi Arabia of oil. And we will take care of our little American friends down south :D

  3. Hopefully it won't cost too much by then... because hopefully we won't be using so much of it.

  4. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the rate this world is going it won't around in ten years.

  5. Betcha it'll cost 100 dollars to fill a small, hybrid's tank. Mass transit will be required for all non-established career types because it is so pricey. Those who need to drive will continue to complain, but make do. Those who can no longer afford to drive, and for some reason are unable to find work without the use of a car, will likely wind up living at home again... causing further debt problems in the economy. But hey, I'm just guessing :)

  6. It will never stop as long as people continue to buy it!!   Cut back and cut them off I say!!!

  7. 10 years 2018

    at the current rate of inflation gasoline will be around $7.50 a gallon

    if we are going to be around that long, I also believe the world won't be around in 10 years

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