
How high do you think GAS it will go???

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In L.A , N.Y, Chicago, and all the major cities in the U.S. Let's say by the end of summer. (I know summer will probably be the highest)




  1. Probably lots of money.  People who drive big cars, trucks, and suv's will be paying over $100 every week.  And our government is not lifting a finger to help.  Especially if John McCain is voted into office.  He will just continue the bush agenda and super high prices without super high salaries.

  2. im thinking by the end of summer around close to $6.00/gallon...summer is gonna be $5 something...

  3. bush is the president... nothing can stop him, unfortunately.

  4. 5$ to 7$ this year 8$  to 12$ Next by    2012 , 23 $ a gallon

    By 2020 Outlawed without a permit

  5. I live by philadelphia, and its hitting 3.50-3.60ish now, 4 by beginning of summer. So it will probably be close to 5 a gallon by the winter, if not more.    As for over the lifetime of our country, i think if the prices hit about 17 a gallon the economy would fall apart.


  7. $9.50 a gallon,if another attack on a oil tanker.

  8. Over $5 per gallon.  The truck drivers are already having a very hard time with the price of diesel, that's why all of our products we tend to purchase have become so expensive!  God help us all to survive!  Blessed Be.

  9. This kind of question makes me laugh.  I saw on the news there is panic in the US about the $5/gallon!!!!!!!

    In England we pay over £5/gallon (about $9).  You got it good over there.

  10. well, over $4 for sure

  11. I'm hoping (Yes, HOPING) for $5 but I think it will stop around $.75.

  12. I will put my money on $4.58 per gallon here in the States.  Sadly gas prices that high will likely put my brother's pizzeria out of business.  I for one have severely curtailed my driving and spending.  So far commuting with motorcycle vs my van has saved me about $36.  I have another motorcycle in the basement that will provide me with an mpg range around 45 to 50.  Many, many motorcycles and bicycles will be on the road this year.  Please give them some extra room.  They may be just trying to get to or from work.

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