
How high is a volleyball net?

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How high is a volleyball net?




  1. it depends on your age group

  2. 2 or 2 and a half meteres .

  3. Regulation Height is about 7 and a half feet.

  4. 2.43m in men's competition, 2.24m in women's competition.

  5. nearly 7 ft

  6. Men          2.43m (7’11 5/8”)

    Women    2.24m (7’4 1/8”)

    Mixed Six (coed)    2.43m (7’11 5/8”)

    Reversed Coed   2.24m  (7’4 1/8”)

    10 years & under                    

    Girls   1.98m (6’6”)                            

    Boys    2.13m (7’0”)

    11-12 years                            

    Girls     2.13m (7’0”)

    Boys     2.13m (7’0”)

    13-14 years                            

    Girls    2.24m (7’4 1/8”)

    Boys    2.24m (7’4 1/8”)

    15 years & above

    Girls     2.24m (7’4 1/8”)

    Boys     2.24m (7’4 1/8”)

    45 years & above (women) 2.19m (7’2 1/8”)

    55 years & above (men)  2.38m (7’9 1/8”)

    Net heights listed above are the same for indoor volleyball, beach volleyball, and all outdoor surfaces such as grass.  The net height is measured in the center of the playing court.  The ends of the net (located over the sidelines) must both be at the same height from the playing surface andmay not exceed the official height by more than 2 cm (3/4").

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