
How high is a volly ball net for children 12 years old?

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How high is a volly ball net for children 12 years old?




  1. Usually it is 7 foot 4 1/4 inches.  Check with your coach or local club team, though.

  2. well its 5,6 feet but im in avolleyball team

  3. i play it and mine is 7ft tall

  4. The height is 7 ft tall for children twelve years and younger

    hope i helped

  5. when we were in 6th grade we could go out for sports since there wasn't anough players out and we had to play with the net the regular height

  6. USA Volleyball 12 and under volleyball net height is 7'.

    Most middle school teams have the option to let the league choose 7' or regulation 7' 4 1/4"

    In Canada, it's 6'6"!

  7. it is 7 foot and a net for 13 yr olds is 7feet 1 inch and a forth. hope that helped and good luck if yall r playing games!

  8. 19 feet

  9. the avrage net hieght for 12 year olds is 6'0

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