
How high is the risk of falling pregnant?

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I know how easy it is to fall pregnant and that it depends on when you ovulate etc... but my boyfriend's p***s was inside me for a couple of seconds when we quickly switched to condoms!

it's still too recent to tell but what are the odds of me getting pregnant even though he didn't ejaculate inside me and we used a condom the rest of the time?

Just worried about that whole pre-ejaculation thing. We had s*x 11 days after my period started. HOW likely it is that I'm pregnant? thanks!




  1. well of course theres always a chance but id say you would be fine x

  2. Well, if he didnt ejaculate inside you then theres almost an almost zero chance that youre pregnant, but you never really know. I doubt that you are pregnant, but if youre really worried you could always take a pregnancy test. Best and only way to know for sure.

  3. I don't think that it is very likely at all. It is theoretically possible but very unlikely.

  4. hey there

    you ovulate approximately 14 days after you menstruate.  s***n can survive for up to 6 days in the female v****a. So, yes, there is a chance of fertilization, in your case, but the s***n concentration in the per-ejaculate is very low, and so this reduced your chances.  It may be a good idea to get a single supply of the "morning-after" pill from your local clinic, and keep it. It is very good for situations like these.

  5. Of course you could be pregnant.  Anytime a p***s is in your v****a you could get pregnant.

  6. You didn't specify your menses presumably if you are 28 days cycle, you might be at the unsafe days...A sperm can stay inside you for 72 hours and pre-ejaculation fluid can contain sperms as well.

    I can't tell you the odds, but next time use a condom even before he enters you...

  7. i think you're ok...  

  8. If you trust hem and he Sid he did not come in you you are not but make shore he is not ling to you decals he knows

  9. It depends on your cycle.  Usually its day 14 you can fall pregnant, although day 11 is close.  Just wait till your period is due before you take a test as it's too soon to tell.  Good luck and be careful in the future

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