
How high will a gallon of gas have to get before you stop driving / buying gas, with exception to work, etc.?

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How high will a gallon of gas have to get before you stop driving / buying gas, with exception to work, etc.?




  1. I have already consolidated my driving at the current gas prices! If I am home, I won't go out to run errands unless I have multiple trips, or am in dire need of a particular item. Otherwise, I'll wait and run the same errand after work or class. I have also noticed a change in my driving habits, such that I am driving slower now, and actually saving gas because of it!

  2. more than i make an hour.

    and i make minimum at a sh*tty restaurant haha.

  3. Once it gets over $5 you'll see your driveway...with a piece of water-hose...stealin' yer gas : P

  4. At $50.

  5. At 10dollars/gal.

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