
How high will price of gas get before you will have no choice but to change your lifestyles?

by  |  earlier

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Like getting rid of your car, biking, taking public transportation more often, carpooling, car sharing, walking, shopping and working closer to home, moving to the city, etc?




  1. I do that already...  yes, I know I will get harassed by saying this, but why have a vehicle if you do not absolutely need one?

    In todays times, even before the high gas prices, it was a struggle for at least 30 percent of the population to have a vehicle and pay for maintenance, gas, insurance etc....

    In my neighborhood, EVERY one has no less than 3 vehicles, some (about 50 percent) have 4 or more. This I can not understand in that these are families, don't families share rides anymore???

    Is it a 'crime' for a teen to NOT have his own car?

    Imagine the monies paid for  insurance payments, car payments, insurance and tags etc... not to mention the pollution all these cars are creating???

    I mean really does a household REALLY need more than two vehicles? And if you don't have small children, do you really need more than 1? (yes, I do realize there are husbands and wives that work) but imagine the money you can put aside for your future and for college for your children if you were to share a vehicle or use alternate transportation or even car pool?????

    I think too many of us Americans are too concerned with keeping up with or impressing the Joneses that we are willing to go broke or destroy the environment in order to to appear financially superior...

    When time comes to retire or for their children to go to college.... they will deeply regret it....

  2. well im not gonna ride a bike 20 miles one way to work

    theres no public transportattion in my area

    i would still have to drive halfway to work to carpool with anyone

    my house is paid for so im not moving

    i do my shopping after work then go home

    i have changed my lifestyle ,my truck doesnt leave the driveway unless its to go to work .thats why im sitting here answering questions instead of playing sunday morning golf

  3. I used to drive 15,000 - 18,000 miles per year.  In the last two years I have put less than 1500 miles on my car.  Retirement helps, being ill helps more.  :-(  However, in years gone by, I used to leave two cars sitting in the driveway and walk to my kids' school, and to the drug store or grocery store if I wasn't buying much - just to enjoy the outdoors.  Sometimes I walked two miles to the mall, then took the bus home.  Also, a friend and I used to walk the 2-mile round trip to the coffee shop for pie and coffee - we felt like we walked off most of the calories - certainly we walked off more than if we had driven.  Walking through the neighborhood gave me a  chance to chat with people for a moment or see what changes were taking place.

  4. i think carpooling, or using a car thats more fuel efficient...

    i own a Infiniti g35 coupe, and its a 2.5 v6, and it ONLY takes Premium fuel.. ( 93 octane )..What i do is take my car to school and back, then put it in the garage, and drive my moms 4 cylinder 2005 toyota rav4 that gets 7 mpg more then mine.

  5. 2 bucks a gal.

  6. It has already forced us to change our life style.  We don't go to town just for fun anymore.  We combine trips when we can even if one of us has to wait for the other.  I considered riding my bike to work, but the highway is to busy and to dangerous, so that is out.

    We plan to buy a new efficient car this summer and get rid of our van.

  7. i think its already begun. i despice buying gas. i have started to take public transportation, vacation closer to home and overall just tried to live a "greener" lifestyle. its not a bad thing to change if its gonna save you money. my disgust is there isnt a reasonable answer for the ridiculous spike in gas prices.  its unfair but we have to deal with it. as americans were RESILIENT!

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