
How high will the gas prices climb?

by  |  earlier

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theyre insane now 4.19 a gall here

are you driving less?

are people gonna be getting rid of their SUVs?




  1. $6.50

    about the same,, same routine that can not be changed  at the moment ,, (personal family issues)

    different route due to construction (longer drive more miles)

    I do  drive slower on the freeways and redsidental ares by 5 miles,,

    no, if they can not afford to buy another car

  2. its ridiculos

    oil comanies are gonna strig us along until fedral gov. comes in and resrticts them that might take till like 10 dollars a galon

    which is bull

    and the th oil comanies are gonna go to china or over there abd were screwed but hopefuly we splurg and spend a liitle more money to extract it from like s.d or n.d  and we can get mor oil and gas

    but for us to have control the gov. should step in and take the land so we can keep it in america

    but we cant do that cause gov. has to stay out of public busness cause of our constitoun so were screwwed

  3. Ive heard 7.00  is not out of the question

    check out HHO or water and gas for fuel.

    if your handy you can do-it.

    Search the videos and you will learn alot more and miss all the adds trying to sell you their stuff.

    the real issue is working out the details on late model vehicles with computer/fuel injection/and O2 sensors as all must work in conjunction with any addition to the fuel system. Cars with carburetors are easily converted.

  4. how high, $10.00 per gal

    Now I drive only as required. I live in DC area, started taking the Metro, mass transit system here, to work (well first I have to take the local bus to a Metro station). Now I get gas once in eight weeks... I may ditch the owning a car permanently once this 8 year old I have now dies. btw, I spend $15 a week for commuting to and from work now on the Metro.

    I never saw the point in getting an SUV to begin with.

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