
How high would gasoline get before you consider moving closer to work?

by Guest57998  |  earlier

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How high would gasoline get before you consider moving closer to work? I keep reading about people who drive to work because they live too far to go by another method of transportation. These people insist they have no other options. What about moving closer to work? Do you REALLY need to live 30 miles from work?




  1. You can also consider a hybrid vehicle or a simple electric plug in car. Use a solar panel to charge it. Also moving is a tough process, why not buy a new car and get money for your old one instead of a new house.

  2. $10.00 A GALLON

  3. I do not own a car. With the cost of fuel continuing to rise, even public transportation is becoming a joke. Where I live, you have to drive to the bus stop anyway so why bother?

    On a personal note. I think that it is just sad how we have become idolatress towards oil and those running the oil companies. Simply put, We are the masses there is pure power in numbers and yet we have allow a few to literally manipulate and control us while killing our planet. Gas is ridiculous to purchase and ridiculous to try and not be affected by it. Move closer to work? That may save a few bucks, but will it stop the wars and the prices of everything else from going up? WE, as a country, consume more than anywhere else in the world, so that tells me that if we as a country decide that enough is enough we could force a change. I don't know how or else I would be shouting it from the rooftops.

  4. It is always better to live close to work if possible. Gasoline prices are one reason, commuting time, tiredness and risk factors while traveling are other. One can make a better use of ones time and energy as well as saving money

  5. I have moved closer to work! From 17 miles away to 6.5 miles away. I now ride my bike to work too! Love it! Gas was only around $3 when I made the move.

  6. I live 18 miles from work, and drive a 14 mpg full size Dodge Hemi 4x4 (bigger than a Excursion).I would not move closer. I will only hate those responsible (lawsuit monger enviro groups) more, and more for my having to pay unnecessary costs for fuel. Lets really solve some issues, and drill for oil in USA. Mabye a few new refineries with relaxed EPA regs would be nice too.

  7. Wow, for the ignorant ***** who think oils grows on ******* trees read a ******* book and treat mother earth right! What we need to do is figure out an alternative, ride your bike (We're all fatties anyways! kill 2 birds with one stone) and recycle, it's not hard and you need to give back, you could start by NOT driving your stupid hemi you don't ******* need and start by not using so much gas! SAVE MONEY SAVE THE EARTH!

  8. I already want to live closer to work. Right now, I live pretty close to classes and work, so not too bad. But when I move, I want to move close to public transit, bike lanes, and ideally work.

    Or be able to telecommute.

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