
How hight of a particular place frome sea level can be find out?is their any formula to work out the same?

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How hight of a particular place frome sea level can be find out?is their any formula to work out the same?




  1. use barometer to mearure

  2. The usual way these days is the Global Positioning System.  But before that, airplanes would use pressure gauges to get altitude readings.  Every meter's worth of air increases pressure by about 10 Pascals (100,000 Pascals is about the average air pressure), so you'd set your dial to the known height of your takeoff location (done via surveying and mapped out) and every meter you rise should drop the pressure by about 0.01%.  Obviously, there's ways that this can be inaccurate (i.e. moving into a weather system), and when precision is important you want to use GPS or a radar system pointed at the ground.

    PASCO makes a sensor package for student use in physics classes that takes advantage of the barometric pressure to measure changes in altitude with a precision of about half a meter over short time scales (i.e. if you leave it on while a weather system moves in, it'll say you're changing height...but in the time it takes to go up some stairs it's pretty good).

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