
How hit the ball at the correct angle but with enough power to make the shot>?

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How hit the ball at the correct angle but with enough power to make the shot>?




  1. Real pool just adjust your stroke practice be fore you play

    yahoo pool no idea dont even know where it is

  2. practice, practice, practice

  3. Angled or "cut" shots have some unique characteristics.  Since you won't be hitting your object ball full-on, you have to understand that some of the energy will be transferred to the object ball upon contact and some of the energy will remain with the cue ball.  The general rule is that the thinner the cut, the less energy that will be transferred to the object ball.  The angle of the shot will determine your speed.  If the angle is only slight, then you may not need as much power to reach the pocket.  It's really something that you have to experiment with.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee

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