
How horrible is this?

by Guest56764  |  earlier

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That chinese couple who got murdered in Newcastle, their cat was murdered as well.

What sick minded so and so would do th

is to a defenceless little animal?

Views please.




  1. Very disturbing......very sad.......

  2. I`d care more about the couple.

  3. Its sad about the couple getting murdered but to kill their cat just for kicks is abhorrent.

  4. What really annoys me is when people get all upset over a dumb animal.  Two people were brutally murdered and police can't find a motive and yet you worry about a cat?

    Brutal head injuries and possible asphyxiation, yet Mittens the cat gets top billing?  Come on!

  5. I think your priorities are kind of screwed up.

  6. That's horrible!

  7. There are true evil doers in the world. For some reason, they are all coming out to do their deeds right now. Strange.

  8. Well, someone who's capable of murdering human wouldn't have a problem killing a defenseless animal.  Some people just really suck.  It's a cruel, unfair world, so you just have to watch out for yourself, family, and pet, hope that luck, or GodSpeed (whichever you prefer) is with you, and stay away from aholes like this as much as possible.  But no, I now what you mean.   Some people are horrible, and have no conscious...feel sorry for them, as they obviously had a terrible life, or are just filled with evil...  Either way, they probably didn't bring this on themselves, no matter how horrible they act.    Now, they touch my cat, and some a***e's going to die a slow death.  Be safe.

  9. so its ok to kill humans, but FFS dont touch the cat

  10. That's horrible for the people and the cat. Awww.  The chinese are awful. Barbarians. I can't believe the Olympics are being held there.  

  11. You seem more shocked about the dead cat than about the two people.

    Do get your priorities right.

  12. Totally agree.  Although it's an awful thing that happened to the couple, whatever gripe the murderer had with these people, why take it out on a defenceless animal?  Unfortunately, one or two people above seem to have missed the point you are trying to make, and as usual, have jumped straight on the bandwagon of sticking in sarcastic comments.  Ignore!!

  13. That´s terrible!

  14. it is very sick to kill a human or animal but there are very sick people out there

  15. i feel sorry for cat.basicly the cat was supposed to be roasted then eaten but  he had to go bcz he was getting late .u know chinese love roasted cats for food.
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