
How horribly against mma are you?

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seems that since john mccain brought to the attention of the UFC people have been calling it an organized street fight. i personally don't think it's all that bad. of course it's a dangerous sport but it's been around for quite a while. how dangerous is it to have a guy with a wooden bat trying to hit a white ball going 90+ mph? i'm not sure that any one has died in mma but i'm sure that a guy died from a line drive going straight towards his head.

so here's my question. if your against the ufc please provide valid reasons why it's bad and why people allow boxing and fist fights in hockey.

that'd be great.

tapout is for losers by the way.




  1. If people want to do it it is fine with me. I think it is not good for the martial arts community. I'm against fist fights in hockey as well. Play hockey or fist fight  one or the other. Sometimes hockey players make me laugh trying to hit each other. With all those pads on trying to hurt the other guy it looks silly to me.

    Back to MMA I think from what I have seen the rules stilt the matches in favor of grappling. The practitioners are in great shape physically. They leave a little to be desired in the area of linkable and intelligent.

    So far they aren't getting any of my money.

  2. The only thing I have against mma matches or ufc is "ground and pound".The rules should be changed so the fighters have to be truly skilled in the jujitsu aspect of their mma

    As I see it right now it is not a mixed martial art it's just punching away whether standing or on the ground.As it is you could take a big strong guy teach him some boxing skills a few kicks a few jujitsu tricks like an arm bar or leg lock a carotid choke and he could pass himself off as a martial artist .

    With such limited skills and knowledge he would resort to striking standing or on the ground which most of them do.

  3. MMA Rules the school.  Best combat sport ever.  John McCain is just ignorant of how great the sport is.  As a veteran, he gets my full respect.  As a politician and MMA commentator, he should retire and take up golf.  He's earned the break and so have we over the last eight years.

  4. Ok I have to clear up some misconceptions that people have about MMA.

    1) For the person that said that MMA is bad for Martial Arts, you are sadly mistaken. MMA has given more exposure to Martial Arts as a whole. MMA has sort of removed that cloak of mystery that Martial Arts has had over it. As a result, more people are drawn to train in Martial Arts. This also leads to a deeper understanding of Martial Arts. Trainees learn the discipline behind training in a Martial Art. Of course, there is always going to be fighers who are immature and act like tough guys because they know how to properly defend themselves. However, if you met most fighters you would learn that they are extremely respectful and have a deep appreciation for Martial Arts. Have you ever met an MMA figher?

    2) I have to respectfully disagree with person who said that a big guy can be taught a few boxing tips, some locks, and they can be passed off as a Mixed Martial Artists. Maybe at your local gyms or local competitions this is true but not in any serious gym or organization. If you were familiar with MMA competition you would know that in order to compete in any sort of PROFESSIONAL organization you need to submit several references and list the years you have been training and in what arts. They ALWAYS check your references. Trust Me. As far as the big guy being passed off as mixed martial artist with a bit of technique; have you ever seen an MMA match? I'll give you an example, Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir. Lesnar was the bigger, stronger, and faster guy yet he was still submitted in the first round. Why? because had superior training and had been training for a longer while.

    3) Who says that MMA fighers are not intelligent? RIch Franklin, one of the most popular fighers in the UFC, was a math teacher at a high school before he started training for MMA full time. Another guy, C.B. Dollaway who is currently on the Ultimate FIgher graduated from ASU with a bachelors in Language Arts and always writes excellent columns for I myself take offense to that comment. I am currently training in MMA and am far from dumb. I am in my third year at ASU and am majoring in Political Science. I hope to go to Law School after. How stupid am I. Geez, we are just a bunch of retards huh?

    4) For the person that said that there is no technique involved when MMA fighters go to the ground, just WOW! It is not even worth arguing against such a grossly misinformed statement. It just boggles my mind as to how uninformed people can be at times.

    5) I am totally against fist fights in hockey. My "crazy," and according to some people unintelligent belief is that you either play hockey or fist fight. Pick one.

    6) What do you have against Tapout?

  5. Your an idiot boxing fan shut up.

  6. I do not always like they way they fight sometimes it ends being a rolling on the ground  event without any technique involved.

    The type of combat sport someone wants to engage in is their own choice. I liked Pancrase while I lived in Asia

  7. MMA is the fastest growing sport.   Wait until it Hits NY..  Than it will explode.  MMA in the number one media market..  Think about it..   Can't wait..

  8. i think MMA is a great sport and alot of people resect the MMA skills they gain. There is only 1% of MMA fans/fighters which decide to fight in the streets illegaly. I know the other 99% fans are humble, respectful and have great sportsmanship skills. It isn't a fight to kill, revenge or cause harm, it's a fight to prove athletism, strenght and courage.

    I say it's a sports for the civilized. Sometimes you see more action watching football than watching MMA.

  9. its banned in NY cuz theres enuff zoo-like activity in that cesspool,,,

    i dont fight or anything but i wear Tapout t-shirts cuz i like to support the sponsors of a sport i love,,, i wear Affliction,Warrior wear and FullContactFighter shirts too,,, because i wanna help grow the sport,, not to act like I'm a tuffguy,,, with your logic when i wear a Slayer or Overkill shirt duz that meen i think I'm part of the band??? stupid

    comparing baseball to MMA is just as moronic an idea,,

    at first i was amazed at this question,,,till i saw your avatar,,, whoda thunk it,,,a Yankee fan with no brains,,,

    RingOfCombat!!???!!!! LOL    duz he bake cakes in RingOfBakedGoods too?   or wach baseball in RingOfBuyAWS trophy???

  10. funny about tapout...haha

    McCain did recant his statement around the late 90's when they adopted the Nevada athletic commission guidelines and what not..bc i think he originally made the statement in the early UFC when there was no weight classes, no gloves, groin attacks, etc...

    The only thing i disagree on is the one guy who said that it takes  away from martial arts, bc theyre physically gifted, but with a lack of intelligence...or something like that..

    I think your mind has to be extremely sharp and quick witted to actually engage in a fight to defend not saying some of the guys werent dropouts from highschool  and still arent smart...but as a whole, they cant be any less educated than the kids comin out of highschool in other sports...

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