
How hot is it outside?

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Most miserable location/story wins.

I have to walk around campus in 22% humidity, 10+ UV index, and on black asphalt roads that transform the 101 degrees to a solid 115. I know because I only break a sweat around 113, and I just got back from walking out to lunch and I was suffering. I'm from Tucson, Arizona.

Now you go.




  1. Haha...I don't think many places are going to beat the heat of Tucson, Arizona.  Too bad you can't give yourself 10 points.  

    Anyways since you Perrysburg, Ohio, it is currently 86 degrees and feels like 87 degrees.  The UV index is 3 moderate and humidity is 47%.  I usually prefer it a bit cooler, but compared to your heat, it is quite nice.  

    Good luck with the heat.  And just remember that summer is almost over!!

  2. You win! ;)

  3. I'm goin through Tropical Storm Fay right now.  I'm in Orlando and its windy and raining.  Fortunately, we are not in the worst part of the storm.  We've had 4 days of rain.  It it weren't for the storm, it would be about 93 with alot of humidty, making it feel like 96 or so.

  4. How about "dhallol" in ethiopia(please excuse misspellings),according to the Guinness book of has never recorded a temperature less than 34'centigrade(95f) in 60 years(day and night?)...(24/7) be happy about your cool climate?
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