
How hot is it where you are???

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here in manila, philippines is 33C




  1. Im in Florida and it's about 91f during the day. Not counting humidity.

  2. Not very probably about 5 degrees its winter in nz

  3. Near San Antonio, TX USA we are having 32-36C in the shade.

    A few days ago I was working on a tin roof and I checked the temp with an oven thermometer, it went to 60C.

    It's not up to those temperatures all day long.  In the mornings and evenings it reads in the 20s.

    (For the F folks, that's 80-100)

  4. hello neighbour, i'm in Bogor Indonesia..

    it's just raining in here 22 degrees celcius.

  5. It is 90 here....

  6. Here in Hong Kong its 25 - 31*C.

  7. Right now, here in southeast Wyoming, USA it is about 10C.  By Thursday morning it'll likely be about 3-4C after a cold front passes across the area.

  8. 40  -45  deg  fr  the  past mnth (hot  enuff  2 fry  an  egg)

    today  its  cooler   32  deg  after  showers  last  evening

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