
How human beings engage with suffering tends to affect and mirror the health of the soul, and its society?

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Do you agree or disagree, why? I am struggling with the obvious apathy of the suffering towards the war in the mid-east, can we make this right some how? how?




  1. Wow, I really like this question. It really, really gave me something to think about..

    I am struggling period. Our world has gone to a place that I really don't want to be apart of to tell you truth. the way things are going with the war, our new president to be and the morals of marriage, the war at the gas pumps to gain who? The fact that the USA will go to the aid of a different country with water and yet we in the united states is in shortage.

    Go figure. Now, I've just exhausted myself emotions.

  2. As a parent of a KIA in Iraq, and A WIA in Afgan, My rule for

    the soul, is absolute victory. No Infield fly rule in effect. Total

    outright victory. I want these kids to return home. Knowing

    they have defeated Radical Islam. I want them to deplane

    a McQuire AFB, with there heads held high, there moral

    higher than the clouds. I want them to know, they impacted

    the lives of Millions of People in the Mideast. I want them

    to know they have given the others living in that region the

    Hope that they to one day, can walk and talk freely. and not

    have to look over there shoulder, for Security police. Though

    this War has a dual edged sword, the fight to defeat Radical

    Islam has been the Primary. We defeat them here. they stall

    out in there effort world wide. That is total victory. Returning

    Home knowing you have obtained the ultimate in Battle.

    The total destruction of the enemy, that has threatened

    thousands and run over millions. So that works for my soul,

    and for the KIAS there parents and those of us who know

    what this fight is about.

    De Oppresso Liber.

  3. To answer your last question..............No, we really  can't make it "right"..........try as we might.

    George was wrong .  About quite a few things......and committed other errors and crimes, to cover up the first series of errors and crimes.

    We can put him on trial for war crimes.......(but we won't).........but it won't undo the damage he's done.

    It won't bring back those soldiers who did their duty and sacrificed their fight for "freedom".........for people who won't pitch in and fight for  themselves.

    It won't rebuild the country we destroyed with our bombs and war machine............for no real reason.........and there really isn't any way to undo that.

    Just my 2 cents.   Keep the change.

  4. I was going to think of an answer but I can't compete with what the first guy said, well thought out.

  5. If not sarcasm can mention this people are now at the point where if there is a Global War 1 million people could die a minute. Means to do something UN Security resolution to authorize U.S. Citizens as well as others to first join UN Effort to stop The Iraq War then see about The Middle East.

  6. Wars have great pretext excuses, but they are really all about greed or lust for more money and power (the root of all evil).  Human suffering is simply a by-product of the war business.  Wars are usually fought over such things as Who gets to control the spOIL.

    I think it would be perfect timing if the Prophecies about Israel striking an abundant supply of PURE HONEY OIL some time before this year is over... Say around October.  That will totally shift the balance of power in the middle east and crush OPEC's control of OIL PRICES and PETRO at the PUMP.  It would make them ENERGY INDEPENDENT and take away the political threat OPEC countries turning off the spigot... the life blood of the Global Economy.  

    Human blood is a less important commodity to the controllers.  The Answer is The End Times OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit that was prophecied thousands of years ago.  He changes things for those who pray and believe.  The only way to really make a difference is through Spiritual Warfare against the principalities that control things from above.

    Anyone with internet can Watch what's going on in The Spiritual Realm where everything first originates... Signs, Wonders & Miracles are happening right now on:

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