
How hypocritical is obama?

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obama says he stands for change and yet he picks biden for his running mate.(No change there).He says he stands for change and yet he supports an economic policy that is over thirty years old and failed miserably.




  1. however his policies are less reckless than what mccain is offering.  

  2. Obama said we are our brother's keeper, yet his brother, George Huseen Obama, lives off of less tha one dollar a month.

  3. He, from what I've heard, is a huge hypocrite.  The Obamatics making a big deal out of all sorts of things that really do not matter in the end is so old that it's growing quivering, stinking mold.

    This is a man who:

    Had a stock broker who invested in a bunch of junk stocks, and Obama admitted that he didn't know what sort of stocks he had in his portfolio.  This was a teeny blurb in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch last year.  I will try to find a link to this story.  If he can't even keep track of his own stocks, can we trust that he won't tax us out the wazoo for retarded ****?

    While the people of Chicago were freezing to death in their dark, run down apartments during the wintertime, Obama took land from their slumlord Rezco (or however you spell it) and built himself a mansion.  What a nice guy.

    Obamatics have the audacity to try and smear Cindy McCain's name, and talk about HER money, and how she is an heiress, when Michelle Obama's father and grandfather are multimillionaires.  

    Obama accepted a $2000 contribution from Bill Ayers (Weatherman home grown terrorist extraordinaire) and then talks about how there is a problem with campaign contributions...

    Need I go on?


    Every day of this election, he's talked about how Obama is just an inexperienced celebrity but yet he picks a nobody with 10 years less experience than Obama and who is a former beauty pageant winner.

    Get real and check yourself.

  5. He claims to be decisive yet he chose to vote present 136 times while in the senate. He claims Palin is inexperienced, yet she has the executive experience where she has made many decisions for her state. He claims to be for change, yet he disrespected & cheated Clinton while continually stealing all her ideas while using her at the same time.

    Change? Just words!

  6. How hypocritical is McCain, he doesn't support drilling in ANWR and then picks a running mate who supports it.   McCain picks on Obama for his lack of experience and picks a running mate who has a lot less experience.

    All of our elected officials are generally hypocrites.  

    I would say 98% of the population are hypocrites.

    Even I can be one.

  7. The economy has failed in the past 4 years, not the past 30.  10 years ago the economy was booming, and it also did well under Reagan.  Biden doesn't support the current economic policy.  His age doesn't prevent him from being for change.

    McCain's hypocrisy amazes me.  He claims that years of experience make him qualified to be president.  And then he appoints someone with less experience than his opponent to be vp.

  8. He is an abomination for the USA.

  9. Obama appeared at Saddleback Church and said that America's biggest sin is that it does not obey the Biblical injunction, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

    Obama has a brother in Africa who is starving in a slum.

    Obama has not helped him.

    On the hypocrisy scale of one to ten, Obama is an eleven.  

  10. Biden's son is a lobbyist that has got 3.4 million in earmarks from Obama. just do a search on it

  11. i think you mispelled "mccain"

  12. Alex has a great answer. Enough already. Start c**p and you will get c**p. Vote for you think will lead this country.Not into a world war. You may read into this what you will. Mccain is for war and a twin of the Bush revelation. It's a shame that it took all these years to figure it out.

    To the political junkie..get a grip and a clue.

  13. He's not.

    The only one who is a hypocrite here is McCain.

    McCain has voted against women and their families the entire time he has been in the Senate.

    Now do you and he think that just because he's chose Palin as his running mate he's done a 360 degree turnaround?  NOT!

    McCain has voted against equal pay for equal work for women.

    He has voted against a health care program that would help 10 million of the poorest children in this country.

    He wants to take away the rights of wowomento choose what to do with their own bodies.

    But don't take my word for it.  Read his record below:

  14. Hypocritical and Obama CANNOT even be used in the same sentence!

    The word, "hypocritical" was derived specifically for McCANE and the rest of his posse'- GOP!

  15. yeah and these libs think it is change they can believe in.some of us remember the same policies and 14% inflation rate with 21% interest on home loans.

  16. I'd be surprised if he even know how to change his own underwear.

  17. You can check to see if Obama really wants change by asking him which ticket he plans to vote for.

  18. I'd be interested in hearing what exactly is so fail about Obama's economic policy...

  19. just give that poor guy a chance, will you?

  20. i cant even put a number on "how" hypocritical he is.

  21. There's smoke in the cockpit!

    This suckers going down!

    The DNC and the Obama Movement SUPPRESSED THE VOTES OF CLINTON DELEGATES at the National Convention in Denver. On August 27th, 2008 the DNC and the Obama Movement maneuvered an undemocratic and underhanded voting script to ensure that Hillary Clinton’s pledged delegates (and the 18 million votes they represented) HAD NO VOTE. Entire state delegations were brow-beaten into voting Present or Passing their votes to other states. August 27, 2008 is a day that will live in infamy for the Democratic National Committee.

    No way, No how, NObama!!

  22. Vote for the other guy then. Pick the guy you think has policies and beliefs that you can follow.

    To be honest, you've already reached an analysis of the situation ten times more sophisticated than most voters will - most people will make a shallow "personality" vote.

    Although, I beg you, please change your mind and vote Obama.

  23. Obama isn't hyprocritical. McCain is for picking Palin.

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