
How i can motivate my students(who read in between six &ten)to study?

by Guest58612  |  earlier

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what kind of entertainments Sush?




  1. Go the the library and let them pick out a book that they like. Often times certain children are only exposed to the text books they have in class. If they realize how many (pleasure books) as I call them there are out there they will read. It's sad to say but alot of children have never been to a library and when some are introduced to one the reading begins for them. I say give it a try. Let each child go to age appropriate areas and perhaps read the intro to them and see what they think. You may be surprised to see their interest peak.

  2. Mohana, I think you are a teacher in a school.

    If your school has a library, then take the students to the library, get the permission from your principal or correspondant, talk with him, take them, show them how to read by doing it.

    Sit in a corner, and make the students sit before you, take a children story book, or a comics, read it aloud.

    If they get confused or don't follow, then stop and explain in small words, picturise the story, that way you can make them get addicted to reading.

    Here in my country, there are established read aloud times in the library, wherein parents bring their children and they can hear the librarian or somebody explain the story or something new to the children.

    Be an example to your students.

    Good luck and god bless

  3. i am a student of this category and according to me, the best way you can make your students study is to add some entertainment to your lessons. even the good students don't like plain boring lessons. They study fot the sake of getting marks (like me) but too much entertainment, then students will take advantage of you, you'll seem too lenient.

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