
How i can see my youtube comment ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. After posting your comment leave that page and go back to it in eaither a couple seconds or a minute depends.

    Make sure you don't press the back button instead go to the video the way you did

    and it should be there


  2. Add the video to your quicklist so you can watch it to see your comments. And if someone replies to one of your comments it will be in your inbox and you can go to the video to see your comment.

  3. You have to wait a while that's all.

    Just refresh the page.

  4. On your profile.

    Click on Account


    Under My Channel

    Channel Design

    tick 'My Recent Comments Box'

    Update Channel

    it will show about 5 of your most recent comments.

  5. if it's for your video then it should be emailed to you

    if it's your comment for someone elses then just go to that video and look under comments...

  6. Click View All Comments after the last comment in the page. Then hit ctrl + f and type in your username. Your browser will search for it and find your comment.


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